Aircrew & Groundcrew Research

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NAUDE, Jacob J., known as Jack: SAAF 22 AS, 1 Air Depot; 3 Sqn Rhodesian Air Force
NIXON, DB Sgt: Pilot 207 Squadron 1941-1942
NOVAK, F/O HENRY ("HANK")  EUGENE , J/38343, Navigator 405 Sqn
OLDFIELD, Pandora Letitia: WAAF Officer West Freugh in 1944
O'MALLEY, Derek Keppel Coleridge, Flying Officer 72475 264 Sqn
OWEN, Richard Hayden (Dick) No1415771 Sgt., Air Gunner No.75 OTU
PARKYN, Alfred Joseph: P/O, RCAF: Pilot 207 Sqn
PASZKIEWICZ, Jan, Air Gunner 300 and 301 Squadrons and 1586 Special Duty Flight
PATON, A M: Sgt: Canada R93174: POW No. 844 142 Sqn
"PATRICK" - evader hidden in caves while awaiting escape Sanzier, Le Puy Notre Dame, Maine et Loire, France
PICCIRILLI, Sgt Sam & RAF POW artist Stalag 3B
PRICE, S R J: 1582682: POW No. 3422 Stalag 357
PULLEN, Kathleen Mary WAAF 16 OTU Upper Heyford
PULHAM, Donald Frederic: R90128 & J85746: Wireless Operator/Air Gunner Coastal Command Squadron 612 Sqn RAF 1942-3: 407 Sqn RCAF after 1943
RASMUSSEN, Lawrie Andrew Woodney, Sergeant 391868, RNZAF 264 Sqn
RAWLINGS, K C H: Sergeant: pow 609, Stalag Kopernikus 149 Sqn
RICHARDSON, Patricia Blanche Doughty Richardson: Sgt: 437835: WAAF
RUSSELL, Winfred Amelia: WAAF RAF Benson
SALIGARI, Corporal Helen Elaine (née  TRIGGS) 442031  WAAF, widow of F/S SJ Saligari RAAF, 467 Squadron Silverstone 1944
SAVAGE DFC and Bar, RAF, Denis Charles: Flt Lt killed 19 Jan 1954 Kenya
SEFTON, Dorothy known as 'Dolly': WAAF, rank unknown
SKINNER, P/O: D H RAF(VR) 150351: Air Bomber 144 Sqn
SMITH, Lena May (Mary) WAAF
SMITH, Flt Lt Victor, DFC: Typhoon pilot 198 Sqn
SMYTH, J H: Flying Officer: black officer possibly from South Africa: RAFVR 144608: African Prince? Stalag Luft I
SOLLY, Charles John, known as 'Mike': Pilot Officer, RAF(VR) 173799 207 Sqn
SOUTHWELL, Don: Flt Lt member of the first committee of the Royal Air Forces Escaping Society
STALEY, Charles Wood Jr., Sgt. Pilot, RAF(VR) 605393 55 OTU
STIFT, L H H: Sgt: 645697: POW No. 849 142 Sqn
STUART, Frederick William Ballance, Wg Cdr: Intelligence Officer
STUDD. Albert Arthur: 512751 203 Sqn
SYKES, Derrick "Bill" 570013 Flight Engineer kia 25 June 1944 Halifax MZ753 DY-M 102 Sqn June 1944 RAF Pocklington
TAYLOR, Wallin Dennis Barry ('Boyd') 207 Sqn
THOMPSON, Flt Lt Sydney, AFC RAF(VR) 140 Sqn
TRIBE, GLADYS MYRTLE, WAAF Head Quarters Maintenance Control, Andover
TUMELTY, James 'Jimmy': 1116335, Sgt, Air Gunner: POW 21/22 Aug 1944 31 Sqn SAAF
VAN ALLEN, Austin Newton, Sgt RCAF 116 Sqn RCAF
VEIRA, F/O Basil Vernon Lancelot, DFC RCAF, #J10677: Navigator 12 Sqn
WALDRON, John Charles: Sgt: Flight Engineer: POW in Stalag Kopernikus 460 Sqn
WARDLE, James: 148099: DFM: Flt Lt: 1942 & Gunnery Leader Spilsby 1944 207 Sqn
WARREN, Llewelyn Edgar: 136720: P/O: Essen 12-13 Mar 1943 83 Sqn
WATKINS, Dennis Arthur : F/Sgt DFM 419 Sqn
WELLFARE, Richard Henry John 'Dick', 207 & 44 Sqns
WILKINSON, J: Sgt: 937482: POW No. 344 78 Sqn
WILLIAMS, J F: Flt Lt: Navigator: shot as a 'Great Escaper' 107 Sqn
WILSON, Sheila Maisie: M/T Driver, WAAF Reigate
WINDLE, W/O D RAF No: 580928 POW 393 44 (Rhodesia) Sqn
WRIGHT, Derek: POW Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf: 73(F) Sqn
YOUNGER, William Francis, Nav 19 Sqn SAAF: capture and escape 1945 in Yugoslavia


NAUDE, Jacob J., known as Jack: SAAF

Message logged 17th January 2000: Air. Mech.(Fitter IIE) later WS Lieut. (as Pilot) (SAAF); later Sgt(?) (Southern Rhodesia Air Force). Originally joined SAAF in 1941 as Air Mechanic (71 Air Sch, 69 AS, South Africa) later transferred to flying training (22 AS, Vereeniging, S.Africa). His wings were pinned on by Marshall of the RAF, Lord Tedder during his visit to the Union. Briefly attached to 1 Air Depot after VJ Day.

Later joined Rhodesian Air Force as A/C Technician (possibly Sgt), Kentucky AFB, Salisbury, S.Rhodesia. Possibly attached to 3 Sqn, Rhodesian Air Force. Would like to hear from anyone who might have known him, or may be able to confirm details.

Mark Naude:  naude AT

NIXON, DB : Sgt: RAFVR, service no 745319: Pilot 207 Squadron 1941-1942

Message logged 1st November 2005, updated 4th Nov 2005 : I am searching for any information or relatives of Sgt DB Nixon. He flew as 2nd Pilot on the 23rd November 1941 from RAF Bottesford to Lorient with the crew of 207 Squadron Avro Manchester L7432 EM-J piloted by F/Sgt Basil Wescombe, with:

Observer - Sgt Eric Harper (my great uncle),
Wireless Operator/Air Gunner - Sgt Leonard Sieve
Wireless Operator/Air Gunner - Sgt Claude Westbury
Air Gunner Sgt John 'Jack' Howe
Air Gunner Sgt Maurice Walker

I know he flew as Pilot in Lancasters with 207 Squadron in 1942, flying in EM-O which was displayed in Trafalgar Square. I know this through John van Puyenbroek who was Wireless Operator/Air Gunner in the crew, and also once flew with F/Sgt Wescombe on the 15th November 1941 from RAF Waddington to Emden. He said Nixon had the nickname 'Tubby'. Nixon was posted on 6th August 1942 to 25 OTU from 207 Sqn with the rank of Flight Sergeant.

Desmond Burman Nixon
Born: 16th December 1918, Glanford Briggs, Lincolnshire
Died: April/May/June 1981, Derby  

Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve General Duties Branch:
Promoted to Pilot Officer: 745319 Desmond Burman Nixon (141725) 15th January 1943
Promoted to Temporary Flight Lieutenant: DB Nixon 1st August 1943
Promoted to Flight Lieutenant: DB Nixon (141725), RAFVR 14th June 1945
Awarded Air Force Cross: Flight Lieutenant Desmond Burman Nixon (141725)

R.A.F. General Duties (Ground) Branch
Retirement: Flight Lieutenant DB Nixon, AFC 16th December 1973 (His 55th birthday)

see also my entry for L7523 EM-M/Wescombe crew on the Units page

contact: John Sharp: johnesharp AT

NOVAK, F/O HENRY ("HANK")  EUGENE , J/38343, Navigator

Served with 405 City of Vancouver (Pathfinder) Sqdn, 8 Group, flying Lancasters out of Gransden Lodge, Bedfordshire

Message logged 20 Novenber 2002: He served on 405 Sqn from Sep 1944 to his death on 16 Jan 1945 in a raid over Germany (in Lancaster PB402). He was born in Hamilton, Ont. Canada on 9 March 1922 to Joseph and Cecilia Novak.

Information needed for research on McMaster University World War II honour roll.

Charles M. Johnston: Charlesmjohnston AT

OLDFIELD, Pandora Letitia: WAAF Officer

West Freugh in 1944

Message logged 10th March 1999: Is there any site or source where I could locate her present whereabouts?

contact John M Currie, [F/O RAAF 427806, ex 460 Sqn Binbrook] 154A Samson Street, Hilton, Western Australia 6163

O'MALLEY, Derek Keppel Coleridge, Flying Officer 72475

264 Sqn, Kirton-in-Lindsey, died 4 Sep 1940

Message logged 26 July 2000: F/O O'Malley RAFVR and Sgt Laurie Andrew Woodney RASMUSSEN RNZAFwere the crew of a Bouton Paul Defiant of 264 Sqn,which crashed at while attempting a night landing at Kirton-in-Lindsey at 21.30 on September 4, 1940. 

F/O O'Malley, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, (also of Westminster School and Christ Church College, Oxford), was the son of Barret Lennard Albemarle O'Malley and of Lorna O'Malley (nee Coleridge) of Richmond, Surrey; and husband of Rachel Mary Genevieve O'Malley (nee MacDonald), of Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.

Family seek any members of Rasmussen family or members of 264 Sqdn with memories of Derek.

Charles O'Malley (grandson): charles AT

OWEN, Richard Hayden (Dick) No1415771 Sgt., Air Gunner: killed 19th Jan 1945

No.75 OTU, based at Gianaclis Eygpt

Message logged 8 Nov 2002: My father Dick Owen was killed whilst serving with with 75 OTU, in a Baltimore V No FW715. He is buried in Chatby Cemetery, Eygpt. Enlisted 8.8.41. 14RC 12.8.41, 20RC 16.9.41, PDC Blackpool 15.10 42,  144 MU 23.3.43, 118 MU 25.10 43. He was a a Drill Instructor.  Has any one got a photo with him in it ? He was my father and I have never seen a photo of him. Please can someone help! Please contact my E-Mail or 1 Cherrytree Court, Havelock Rd., Warsash, Hampshire, England, SO31 9AG

Granville Harper: gth AT

PARKYN, Alfred Joseph: P/O, RCAF: Pilot, lost with his crew 25 November 1942

207 Squadron Lancaster R5695 EM-C op: Haselünne

Message logged 23 March 2004: I'm looking for any information regarding or people who knew Pilot Officer Alfred J. Parkyn RCAF, Service Number J/16080, killed on 25 Nov 1942.  My father knew him as "Joe," but I have little else.  Any help would be appreciated.

Took off 1504 RAF Langar. Lost without trace. All are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial. Their skipper, P/O Parkyn RCAF, was an American from Palisades Park, New Jersey

Pilot: P/O Alfred Joseph Parkyn RCAF
Flt Engineer: Sgt John James Gallimore RAF
Observer: F/S William John Vandervoort RCAF
Nav/Air Bomber: F/S James Louis Guichard RCAF
W/Op AG: Sgt James McGregor Allan RCAF
Air Gunner: Sgt Jack Slater RAFVR
Air Gunner: Sgt Windsor Francis Richard Webb RAFVR
Rear Gunner: P/O Eugene Edward Chouiniere RCAF

Michael Parkyn: germf18 AT

PASKIEWICZ, Jan, Air Gunner

300/301 Squadrons, 1586 Special Duties Flight

Message logged 8 Jan 2001: On behalf of Jan, my father in law, I am seeking anyone who was on 300 Sqn or 301 Sqn or 1586 Special Duties Flight. He flew in Lancaster bombers and was part of the Free Polish Airforce. His name was Jan Paszkiewicz.

He originally came from Argentina but is Polish by birth. He is now known as John Maitland. I am looking on his behalf for any information or any personal contacts. He married Joyce Hancox and they lived in Coventry before migrating to Australia. He can be contacted at his home address 2/13 Frank Cooper St, South West Rocks, NSW Australia or by e-mail as below.

Contact Susan Maitland (daughter in law): davensue AT


evader hidden in caves while awaiting escape: Sanzier, Le Puy Notre Dame, Maine et Loire, France

Message logged 10 July 2002: We are purchasing a house in France named Villa Patrick. We have been told that it is named after an allied airman who was hidden in caves in the property awaiting escape. It is in Rue St Vincent, Sanzier, Le Puy Notre Dame, Maine et Loire, France.

We have no further information about aircraft type, date or nationality of airman. Sanzier is in the Loire region of France and is located south of the Loire valley to the east of Nantes, 10km to the south of Doue la Fontaine. It is very rural area of France and the property has many very large limestone caverns which were occupied as dwellings until the 1920s.

Peter Wiggins: paw.maw AT

PATON, A M: Sgt: Canada R93174: POW No. 844

142 Sqn: shot down 13/14 October 1942, crashed near Lintrup: Wellington BJ563

Message logged 8th March 1999: Danish researcher seeks information on you.

on behalf of RAF Ex-POW Association: via editor

PEMBERTON D D, NCO 142 Squadron Fire Crew (Italy)

message logged 5 May 2002: Pemberton's home address was Beech Cottage, Harp Hill, Cheltenham: in Jan 44 he was awarded Africa Star with Clasp (for bombing Von Arnim's?) communications. He was court martialled 6th April 44 (something to do with a disappearing 15cwt Bedford truck) and sentence was Reduced to Ranks and 6 months hard labour at prison camp at Bone, N Africa, where he arrived on 9 May 44. Wife was called Sheila, but in his diary, divorce is mentioned in Jan 44. He had a brother F/S George Gordon Pemberton who was a pilot on 150 Squadron killed in action on 3 April 44 (buried in Budapest War Cemetery).

If anyone knows the whereabouts of any living relatives please contact me, as my mom has DD Pemberton's war diary, and would like to return it to his family.

D Danks, HC83 Box 2247, Antlers, OK, 74523 USA

D Danks: ddanks AT

PICCIRILLI, SGT Sam   [nickname Tex ]

Stalag 3B

Message logged 17th April 2001: I am searching for an RAF ex-POW who was in Stalag 3B. He sketched a picture of my sister on brown paper for Sgt Sam Piccirilli, to whom she was engaged. He was in Stalag 3B from 28 May 1943 to 8 May 1945. Any information please contact me.

Col (Ret) Al Lala: AL_LALA AT

PRICE, S R J: 1582682: POW No. 3422

Stalag 357

Message logged 8th March 1999: Mr MG Need is trying to find you.

on behalf of RAF Ex-POW Association: via editor


16 OTU at Upper Heyford, Driver from 1942 until June 1944

Message logged 7th July 2010: My mother left the WAAF when to have me. Prior to the WAAF she worked at Severalls Military Hospital in Colchester until it was severely bombed in August 1942, when she decided to join the WAAF.

I have only recently obtained her service record (which is so brief) and have tried many avenues. Sadly my Mother died over thirty years ago whilst quite young. The family have recently found some old photos of the war years and of her in uniform together with friends but no names!

Kathleen was already married when she joined the WAAF so her surname in the WAAF was PULLEN. She was born in 1920. She was married to an Australian serviceman and went out there at the end of 1944 spending the rest of her life near Brisbane.

Contact Moira Dale, daughter: moiraandhenryatcambridge AT

PULHAM, Donald Frederic: R90128 & J85746: Wireless Operator/Air Gunner

Coastal Command Squadron 612 Sqn RAF 1942-3: 407 Sqn RCAF after 1943

Message logged 7th Aug 1999: My late father's log book shows he flew Whitleys up to April 1943 in Coastal Command (pilots F/O Ellis and F/O Sawtell). He was from Komoka, Ontario. I would very much appreciate hearing from any 407 Sqn and 612 Sqn contemporaries.

Steve Pulham: sdpulham AT

RASMUSSEN, Lawrie Andrew Woodney, Sergeant 391868, Royal New Zealand Air Force

264 Sqn, Kirton-in-Lindsey, died 4 Sep 1940

Message logged 26 July 2000: F/O O'Malley RAFVR and Sgt Laurie Andrew Woodney RASMUSSEN RNZAFwere the crew of a Bouton Paul Defiant of 264 Sqn,which crashed at while attempting a night landing at Kirton-in-Lindsey at 21.30 on September 4, 1940. 

Sgt Rasmussen was the son of Frederick Woodney Rasmussen and Annie Shaw Rasmussen, of Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand

O'Malley family seek remaining relatives of Lawrie Rasmussen or members of 264 Sqdn with memories of him.

Charles O'Malley (O'Malley grandson): charles AT

RAWLINGS, K C H: Sergeant: pow 609, Stalag Kopernikus

149 Sqn, Mildenhall: shot down 12/13 April 1941: Wellington 1C, OJ-O T2897: op - Mérignac airfield

Message logged 28th April 2002: P/O R R Morison (my uncle) was the pilot of Sgt Rawlings' aircraft which took off from Mildenhall at 2150 on 12th April 1941: Sgt Rawlings was the only survivor. The aircraft crashed near St Sever-Calvados (Calvados), 14km W of Vire, France. Those who died (Sgt R R Morison, Sgt J L G Westley, Sgt E J Holland DFM, Sgt R Hutchinson, Sgt W H Wilkinson) are buried in St Sever-Calvados Communal Cemetery.

I would very much like to make contact with Mr Rawlings or his family, and indeed with the families of the rest of the crew.

Anthony Rickerby: Aricks99 AT

RICHARDSON, Patricia Blanche Doughty Richardson: Sgt: 437835: WAAF

Message logged 5th November 2005: I am seeking contacts who may have known my Mother in WAAF service during the Second World War and the Palestine Mandate afterwards.
Name: Patricia Blanche Doughty Richardson
Born: Airmyn, Goole, Yorkshire.
RAF Trade: Signals Radio Op and I think, later, Radar
Final Rank Sergeant; Service Number: 437835
Service History known: Isle Of Man (Jurby?) in the middle war years, then troopship to Palestine sometime after D-Day and served at Lydda, Also have photos of an R&R period in Trudos Mountains, Cyprus and another seeing Valley of The Kings Egypt. A friend was called Lorna Mckenzie from Kenya. Pat, My mother, married Michael Bygate Sutch and died in 1967. I am seeking anyone who has recollections of her that can be used to inform her grandchildren that she never saw.

Pats' sister, Eileen, also in RAF Service, but at Elvington, married a Free-French airman and departed for France in 1946. Also very keen for recollections of her service and anyone who knew her. She died last year having been married to Louis (Blanchin) for over 50 years.

Contact: Adam Sutch: adam AT

RUSSELL, Winifred Amelia 447556 WAAF
RAF Benson

Message logged 6 June 2007: email address updated 19 June 2010: I'm wanting to locate the friends of Winifred Amelia Russell, 447556, apparently known in the WAAF as Gert or Winnie the WAAF, and stationed at Benson during WW2. She died in 1994. Her son has asked me to research about her time at this RAF Station.

From her autograph book she had during this period, there were quite a few farewell messages from fellow WAAF. She seemed to have been quite popular. If any of the following are still alive and are part of the WAAF Association, I would like to contact them for information. Unfortunately, many of her associates have given only their first names or nicknames. I thought there might be a Benson WAAF Association.

Stella, Frankie (Sgt. Mess), Ginger ('Ivy' - Barrack Block, Rm 2), Dot, Bassie (Sgt. Mess), B Kelly (Cpl.), ACW Jones, Cushy, Irene ('Notty'), Hetty, Judy, Buba, Eileen

It's probably a long-shot, but I know research can be like that sometimes. Many thanks for any help you can give.

Contact: Brent Coats (NZ) at bcoats AT
or at 26 Oreti street, Invercargill, New Zealand.

SALIGARI, Corporal Helen Elaine (née  TRIGGS)  442031  WAAF

Served at Silverstone, Northamptonshire, 1944

Message logged 14 July 2000: Does anyone remember Corporal Triggs?  She married an Australian airman, Flight Sergeant STANLEY JOHN SALIGARI in March 1944, but he was killed in action on 22 June 1944 with 467 Squadron, LL971 PO-N (Flt Lt LR Brine RAAF's crew) on the raid on Scholven-Buer. 

Does anyone know what happened to Helen?  There is an unconfirmed suggestion that she remarried after 1944.  All attempts at making contact with her through official channels have proved unsuccessful.  An elderly brother of F/S Saligari (who lives in Geelong, Australia) would be keen to know what happened to his brother's widow.

contact on his behalf to Burnie Nitschke: bn AT

SAVAGE DFC and Bar, RAF, Denis Charles: Flt Lt killed on ops 19 Jan 1954

Anti Mau Mau Operations, Kenya, probably 1340 Flight, Mweiga (Marrian's Farm)

Message logged 30 March 2004: Flt Lt Denis Savage was killed on operations flying Harvard KF223 from Mweiga Airfield, Kenya on 19 January 1954 whilst engaged on a strike against known Mau Mau locations.  He was born in Portsmouth and was awarded his DFC and bar for ops on 18 and 88 Sqn Blenheims and Bostons during WW2. Any information about him would be most appreciated.

Contact Jon Hipkins: Jonny956 AT

SEFTON, Dorothy, known as 'Dolly': WAAF, rank unknown

Based at Bridgenorth, Shropshire between 1940 and 1943

Daughter of Joseph Sefton and Elizabeth Sefton; Mother to Derek Sefton of Droylsden, Manchester.

Message logged 10th November 2004: Dolly last seen heading towards Manchester Piccadilly train station early months of 1943 to catch a train for London, leaving Derek (3 weeks old) in the care of Alice May Sutton and Henry Sutton. Last seen by Harry Sutton. Any information regarding Dolly would be most appreciated and treated in confidence.

please contact Dolly's niece Karin Qureshi: sqkq AT


144 Sqn, Hemswell

Message logged 25th January 2000: He was the pilot of a Hampden, P4394 that crashed on 1st March 1941 just outside Skegness killing the 3 gunners (Sgts Darnell, Shutt,and Jones). Sgt Shutt was my Great Uncle. I would love to get in contact with P/O Skinner to find out about him and the rest of the crew.

Peter Carter: peter.r.carter AT

SMITH, Lena May (Mary): WAAF, service number 430412, rank T/Cpl

message logged 8th March 2002: I am trying to find some information on my grandmother. I have her RAF service record and release book.  She started on full pay 13-3-1941 and ended 21-8-1945 at RAF Station Gosport, 16 Group.  Her WAAF trade was A.C.H./G.D.   WAAF character  V.G. I believe that during the war she knew John (Catseyes) Cunningham. I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who knew her.

Kate Smith: peppasa AT

SMITH, Flt Lt Victor, DFC

198 Squadron RAF, 11 Group, RAF Manston

Message logged 30 Jul 2000: A Typhoon, JR-316 of No.198 Squadron RAF crashed in my village of Dreumel, in the Netherlands, on 20th December 1943 at 10.40 hrs.

The pilot was 128365 Flt.Lt Victor Smith DFC, son of Percy Robert and Martha Smith. He was 28 and is buried in Uden War Cemetery, Plot 5, row C, grave 3.

I would be very grateful for information regarding this crash and about the pilot and his Squadron.

Jos van Koolwijk: jvkoolwijk AT

SMYTH J H, Flying Officer: black officer possibly from South Africa: RAFVR 144608: African Prince?

unit as yet unknown, POW Stalag Luft I Barth

Message logged 3rd March 2002: Helga Radau, former Archivist of the town of Barth writes that "I have read in Time Out by John Adolf Vietor who was in the Main Compound of Stalag Luft I, that there was an African Prince RAF named John Smyth, who was a bombardier (Air Bomber). He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh."

Helga had a message from another POW Lyle Shafer: "I did not know the black pilot that was at Stalag Luft I but my roommate, Bill Haney, did.  The man was a fighter pilot and when he was shot down the pressure on his eyes turned his eye balls red.  They stayed that way for some time. He was reportedly from South Africa and was with the RAF I think." 

Any leads on John Smyth, please contact Helga Radau: helga.radau AT

SOLLY, Charles John, known as 'Mike': Pilot Officer, RAF(VR) 173799

207 Sqn: RAF Spilsby: kia 21/22 June 1944: Lancaster LL973, EM-M

Son of Frederick Arthur and Charlotte Mary Solly: Husband of Dorothy Jean Solly [née Elliott] of Romford, Essex.

Message logged 8th March 1999, updated 21 June 2006 and 2 Oct 2006:
- Mike's parents lived at 21, Larchwood Close, Collier Row, Romford
- Mike & Jean had a daughter Janet who married John Wye in May 1963 when Janet was 18. Sadly, she died, age 36, in April 1981, leaving John and four children. Lynne was the youngest, aged 5, Daryll the eldest (17), Gareth (16) and Shelley (14). Charles would have been a proud greatgrandfather of ten great grandchildren. We are now (September 2006) in touch with the grandchildren and John Wye
- We are also now in touch with Mike's nephews Peter and Robert Fagg and with Jean Solly's family by her subsequent marriage to the late Kenneth Palmer.

The surviving crew and the Solly family would like to hear from any other friends of Charles John (Mike) Solly and in particular when and why did the name Mike arise!
Frank Haslam: via editor


A member of the first Committee of the Royal Air Forces Escaping Society

Message logged 19th Feb 2000: Don Southwell wrote a book, title unknown, about his experiences: it is not known if this was published or a private venture. The family would love to retrieve a copy of it. Message placed of behalf of his cousin's daughter, Audrey Poulton.

contact: wendy AT

STALEY, Charles Wood Jr., Sgt. Pilot, RAF(VR) 605393

55 OTU

Message logged 12th December 2001: My uncle was kia 22 September 1942: Hurricane P2982 1 mile west of Kirkpatrick, Dumfriesshire. He was the son of Charles & Mihala Staley, Whichta Falls, Texas, USA.

I am looking for people who served with him and for information on 55 OTU and what happened to it on disbandment. Any information will be greatly appreciated.

Charles Bijak : redstorm01 AT

STIFT, L H H: Sgt: 645697: POW No. 849

142 Sqn: shot down 13/14 October 1942, crashed near Lintrup: Wellington BJ563

Message logged 8th March 1999: Danish researcher seeks information on you.

on behalf of RAF Ex-POW Association: via editor

STUART, Frederick William Ballance: Wg Cdr

Intelligence Officer

message logged 13 Feb 2004: I am tracing my father's history. He died some 16 years ago at the age of 93. He was given a commission in 1940 by the RAF to become an intelligence officer and joined as a Flying Officer. He reached the wartime rank of Wing Commander rank and finally left the RAF in 1954 as a Squadron Leader. He served for some time at RAF Topcliffe, which I believe was for some time the base for 405 Squadron, and he was base intelligence officer there. Being mess president at the time, he was host to the King and Queen in March 1942. We have a copy of the original dinner menu, amongst other memorabilia including debrief reports on a couple of bombing raids, silk maps, briefing notes etc. I believe he made two trips (via glider), one to Paris, to contact the resistance. His 'line' I believe was to get people through to Spain and thence Gibraltar and the UK. He flew on D Day dropping Window and was an observer on at least one major bombing raid (the 1000 bomber raid on Cologne).

He previously had service (details of which we are still researching) in the army, reaching the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He was at Gallipoli in August 1915 with the 5th Bn Bedfordshire Regiment, going on to Egypt and Palestine. I believe he is the only person to have achieved the same field rank in two services. Ballance was his surname up until WWII - it is not yet known why he added Stuart.

Our family are keen to find out more about him. We are obtaining his service records from the MoD, eventually, but are looking for more details and if possible people who may remember him or knew what he achieved. If there is anyone who knew him or of him, please contact me.

Mark Stuart: mark AT

STUDD. Albert Arthur: 512751

203 Sqn

Message logged 11th March 1999: My father (now dead) served in 203 Sqn before WWII. I would like to find out more about 203 Sqn and my father's involvement. I have several photographs which might be of interest of others (and friends and relations of those) who served in 203 Sqn.

John Studd: JohnS AT

SYKES, Derrick "Bill" 570013 Flight Engineer (age 23; ex Dewsbury, Yorkshire) kia 25 June 1944 – bombing V1 launch site at Montorgueil: Halifax MZ753 DY-M

102 Squadron June 1944 RAF Pocklington

Message logged 6 Nov 2004, updated 8 Nov: Looking for anyone who knew my uncle while serving in any of these units/facilities: RAF Halton 1936-39; 102 & 108 MUs 1939-43: attached 46 Sqn at RAF Digby, RAF Acklington, Middle East; 64 General Hospital 1942/43 (also on whereabouts of this facility – have found references to it in Alex, Kibrit and Helmiah); St Athan (4 S of TT) & Rufforth (1663 HCU) 1944

Looking for families/friends of the crew of Halifax MZ753:
70880 Sqn Ldr Guy Benjamin Treasure (Pilot): son of Benjamin Treasure and of Leah Treasure (née Clegg), husband of Vera Constance Treasure (née Richardson)
152915 F/O Gordon Fraser (B/A): son of Robert Parry Fraser, and of May Fraser (née Gillespie); husband of Angela Fraser (née Fraser), of Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire.
1461478 Sgt Robert William Collins (W/Op): husband of Carol Collins of Sutton Valence, Kent
1894301 Sgt Leonard Thomas Archard (AG)
1673627 Sgt Eric Boys Bland (AG): son of Albert Edward and Eleanor Boys Bland, of Didsbury, Manchester

NOTE: Nav F/O Sydney James Bailey’s family already located and in touch.

[This aircraft was lost in a collision with LL549 KN-N of 77 Sqn (F/S D MacC Stevens and crew all lost), both aircraft falling at Fontaine l'Etalon, Pas de Calais (8 km SSE of Hesdin), where the dead of both crews lie in the churchyard.]

Also 885262 CPL PATON M. (known as "Pat") address in June 1944: Hut 4 FSHQ, RAF Blakelaw, Newcastle 5
Had met LAC then Sgt Derrick "Bill" Sykes during one of his UK postings - wrote a letter to Derrick on the day he was killed.

Any information on any of the above, please contact Derrick's niece Melanie.

Please contact Melanie Herman: melherman AT (17 13th Ave, Walmer, Port Elizabeth 6070, Rep of SA)

TAYLOR, Wallin Dennis Barry ('Boyd')

207 Sqn

Message logged 24 March 1999: Any information about my father, who was a wartime Rear Gunner, would be appreciated.

Boyd Taylor: BTaylor107 AT


140 Sqn Mosquito PRU: March 1945

Message logged 16 August 2001: Looking for any information regarding the circumstances of my Uncle's death. Whether a landing accident or due to enemy action. Any information about the role of 140 Sqn at that time. Or contact with any ex-members. I believe his Navigator's name was John Ashton.     Flt Lt Thompson was killed 19th March 1945 in Belgium, age 28. He was the son of Jack and Alice Thompson and husband of Phylis Browning Thompson, of Welton, Cumberland. Buried:- Brussels Town Cemetery. Evere, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium.  

contact:  frankly AT

TRIBE, GLADYS MYRTLE, WAAF HQMC - Head Quarters Maintenance Control, Andover

Message logged 19 Dec 2003: updated 5 Feb 2006 My grandmother's maiden name was Gladys Myrtle Tribe. She is looking for anyone who knew her in the WAAF, in particular Joan Osborne, from Brighton who also served with her at Head Quarters Maintenance Control Andover.  This is all the information she has given me.

jsilsbury AT

TUMELTY, James 'Jimmy': 1116335, Sgt, Air Gunner RAF: POW 21/22 Aug 1944

31 Sqn SAAF

message logged 9 March 2003: RAF Sgt James 'Jimmy' Tumelty, from Newcastle, was flying in Liberators when shot down on 21/22 August 1944 on an operation over Hungary. Don't know where he was a POW. Originally Bomb Aimer in a Baltimore crew with Mike Cauchi, Andy Anstee and Johnny Woods when on OTU at Shandur Egypt. They were broken up when transferred to 31 Squadron SAAF on 5 August 1944. Andy and Johnny were killed in action when KG875:D crashed on 12/13 October, along with 5 other Liberators, a total of 48 airmen killed [see Units page].

Mike survived the war and lives in the Coventry area. Jimmy survived the war as a POW, but I have no further details, I would like to trace him or his relatives.

Rob Woods: rob.woods1 AT : 20 Phillips Crescent, Headley, Bordon, Hampshire GU35 8NU

VAN ALLEN, Austin Newton: Sgt: RCAF, died 9 Sep 1941: R/61061

116 RCAF Bombing & Reconnaissance Squadron, Dartmouth Nova Scotia

Message logged 29th Jan 2001: Dr. Traer Van Allen is looking for ANYONE who trained/worked with his brother Newton who was killed when his Catalina 1 2139 crashed upon landing in heavy seas in Lake Melville (Northwest River, Labrador, Canada).

Here is a list of men that trained with Newton:
Allan M Ogilvie - Robert Sharman - V. M. Wordley - G. W. Sharp - D. J. Richardson - R. M. Scott - G. T. Vicary - V.? Zora - G. W. Sellars - T. C. Trowals - N. C. Turnow(?) - T. J. Thomas - F. E. Waterman - M. S. Sinclair

When/Where he was during Training in Canada:
August 1940 1 Manning Depot, Toronto Ontario; October 1940 Eastern Air Command, Dartmouth Nova Scotia
November 1940 No. 1 Initial Training School (formerly Eglington Hunt Club), Toronto Ontario; December 1940 No. 7 E. F. Training School, Windsor Ontario; Jan-Feb 1941 No. 5 Air Observer School, Winnipeg Manitoba
Apr-May 1941 No. 4 Bombing & Gunnery School, Fingal Ontario; June 1941 No. 1 Air Navigator School, Rivers Manitoba; August 1941 stationed with 116 RCAF Bombing & Reconnaissance Squadron, Dartmouth Nova Scotia

You can reach his brother Dr. Traer Van Allen in New York City, New York tel 212 722 8399 or at Morrisburg Ontario on 613 543 2050 or contact Steve Ogilvie: sogilvie AT who will pass the message to him.

VEIRA, F/O Basil Vernon Lancelot, DFC RCAF, #J10677: Navigator

12 Sqn Wickenby, missing 28/29 April 1943 in Lancaster ED408 PH-A

Message logged 15th May 2001: I am a retired RCAF Flight Engineer and am trying to get some information on my first cousin who was killed while flying with the RAF. Any data of his time at the Sqn., his friends, family members of his crew who are still living, just about anything to help me profile his time during the war would be greatly appreciated.

Basil Veira was born 4th April 1914 in Basseterre, St. Kitts, BWI. He lived in Montreal Canada: enlisted 25 June 1941. He was shot down by German Night Fighter while mine-laying in the "Geranium" area in the Baltic with 12 Sqn from Wickenby, Lincolnshire in Lanc #ED408 on 28/29th April 1943. The crew all died.

His body was washed ashore and was initially buried at Leba, exhumed, and was reburied in the Commonwealth War Cemetery, Malbork, Poland, where he shares a collective grave with his pilot and bomb aimer. The rest of the crew have no known grave.

The rest of the crew was: Sgt G Elsworthy, Pilot;  P/O JL Haddow, B/A;  F/Sgt WE Freeman, W/Op; Sgt EA Pye, F/E;  Sgt CWS Downs, M/UG;  Sgt RC Grant, R/G

Carl Ryan: c.ryan AT

WALDRON, John Charles: Flight Engineer, Sgt 1039089

460 Sqn Binbrook: Lancaster III, W4986 AR-F, shot down 23/24 May 1943 on Dortmund 

Message logged 30th Jan 2001: I am trying to find more information on my father Sgt John Charles Waldron. He was a POW in Stalag Kopernikus and was issued POW number 274. He was on the forced march with Dixie Dean and was wounded in the Typhoon raid. Can anybody help who knew him from his time in training, on the squadron and as a POW? The crew, who were all made POW, was as follows:

F/S G L Stevens RAAF
Sgt J C Waldron
F/S D L Stubbs RAAF
F/S A J Harris RAAF
Sgt E L Jones
F/S T S Easton RAAF

F/S Harris, who was quite badly wounded, was in Stalag Mühlberg-Elbe (4B); all the rest were in Stalag Kopernikus (357).

Sgt Max Waldron RAF Marham: maxbwaldron AT

WARDLE, James: 148099: Flt Lt

207 Sqn: 1942 & Gunnery Leader, Spilsby 1944

Message logged 19th Feb 2000: My father flew with Sgts Mallet, Whyte, Tillon, Eyre, Mason, and Simister, on a flight to Italy 8/9/1942.  I have a drawing he made at the time of the plane in flight and some bombs dropping with those Sergeants' names above on them. I would like to hear from anyone that knew him, or any of the above that flew with him.

contact: BevWardle AT

WARREN, Llewelyn Edgar: 136720: P/O

83 Sqn:  Lancaster I  W4928  OL-S  lost on Essen 12/13 March 1943

Message logged 28th January 2001: He married my mothers cousin. One of my uncles, who had always looked upon "Jack" (as the family called him) as a hero, joined the RAF the day that they were all killed. I have decided to take my uncle to the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery in March to visit the grave. I am seeking to pull together as much as I can about the crew. Maybe some of the surviving relatives would like us to take some tribute out with us in March.

t/o 1917 Wyton. Crashed in the target area.  All were buried on 16th March at Dusseldorf in the Nordfriedhof, since when their remains have been taken to the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery.  F/S Musk's DFM had been Gazetted on 12 March 1943.  The CWGC Register shows S/L McLure's parents as living at Ixelles, Brussels.

S/L D A J McLure DFC - Pilot
Sgt J Macfarlane - Flight Engineer
F/L O R Waterbury DFC RCAF - Navigator
P/O D G Lovell - Air Bomber
F/S P J Musk DFM - Wireless Operator
F/L A F Macqueen DFC - Mid Upper Gunner
P/O L E Warren - Rear Gunner

Peter Garwood: pgarwood AT

WATKINS Dennis Arthur : F/Sgt 938881 DFM

419 'Moose' Sqn Middleton St George: Halifax II JB912 VR-B: 20/21 April 1943

Message logged 6th August 2001: My 79 year old father, Sgt E Jury as he was then, was one of the crew when this a/c was shot down on an op to Stettin Docks. They were shot down by a night fighter while flying at 16,000ft and crashed at an estimated 47km NW of Stettin. One of his friends in the crew was Dennis Arthur Watkins who unfortunately died of his burns, the only fatality in the crew.  Sgt Watkins' award of the DFM was not Gazetted until 20th June 1944. He is buried in the Berlin 1939-45 War Cemetery. Aged 22, he was the son of Thomas Isiah Watkins and Nellie Watkins, of Huddersfield, Yorkshire.

My Father wrote to Dennis's wife, Mrs Lucy Watkins, then in Huddersfield, from Stalag Luft 1 and told her that he would try to find her and contact her after the war.  He has only just remembered this fact. She probably re-married and changed her name but my dear father is quite insistent on finding her.  Any help that you might be able to give would be appreciated. Thank you.

Nick Jury: nick AT

WELLFARE, Richard Henry John, known as 'Dick': Sgt, RAF(VR) 1397598: Navigator
207 Sqn: RAF Spilsby: Crashed 22/12/1943: Lancaster DV361 EM-V
44 Sqn: RAF Dunholme Lodge: KIA 25/3/1944 age 20: Lancaster ME672 KM-A
Son of James Wellfare and Winifred House of Ipswich, Suffolk.

Message logged 9th July 2007: Family seek contact with anybody who served with him or who knew him. We know that the crews of DV361 and ME672 were all killed by the end of 1944. Dick Wellfare was my great uncle.

Rosie Taylor: rosie AT

WILKINSON, J: Sgt: 937482: POW No. 344

78 Sqn: shot down 19/20 November 1940: Whitley

Message logged 8th March 1999: Your Australian pilot, P/O REH George, is looking for you.

on behalf of RAF Ex-POW Association: via editor

WILLIAMS, J F: Flt Lt: Navigator: shot as a 'Great Escaper'

107 Sqn, Great Massingham: shot down 27th April 1942: Boston III, Z2149 OM- ,  

Message logged 3rd May 1999: His family seek any information from anyone who knew him in POW Camp or on the Squadron. He took part in the Great Escape from Sagan and was one of the 50 murdered after recapture. It is possible that he was involved in the sand disposal effort. The other two members of the crew were the pilot, Sgt K N (Ken) Carpenter and the W.Op/AG S G (Black) Gordon, a Canadian, both of whom were POWs at Stalags Luft 3 and 6.

on behalf of RAF Ex-POW Association: via editor

WILSON, Sheila Maisie: WAAF M/T Driver

Redhill, Surrey

Message logged 17th June 2001: My aunt Sheila was a transport driver in the WAAF stationed at Redhill, Surrey until March 1944. I do not know which unit she was in but her Squadron Leader was W. Newman (S.M.Q.) at Surrey Redhill and her Section Leader was P. Bell.

Her last known address, in 1946, was 30 Broadhurst Gardens, Reigate. She was a shop's assistant (pharmacy).
She was born Sept. 6, 1922 at Stockwell.  Her parents were Robert (motor car salesman) & Maisie Wilson of Brighton, Sussex.
I would very much like her or her family to contact me.

her niece Zoe Irvine:  thamson AT

WINDLE, W/O D RAF No: 580928 POW 393

44 (Rhodesia) Squadron

Message logged 14 May 2002 on behalf of RAF Ex POW Association: Chris Carrell is researching his deceased father's life on 44 (Rhodesia) Squadron.

Batch Batchelder, RAF Ex POW Association: via editor

WRIGHT, Derek: POW Stalag VIIIB Lamsdorf
73(F) Sqn

from RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH16: Adrian Wright wants to trace any POWs who were with his cousin Derek Wright in Stalag VIIIB (344) Lamsdorf. Derek served with 73(F) Squadron RAF.

Contact: via editor

YOUNGER, William Francis, known as “Bill” Flying Officer, RAF Navigator 153881 (Flt Lt Retd)
Attached to 19 Squadron SAAF based at Biferno, Italy from Aug 44 to May 45

Message logged 14 Dec 2004: My late father, who lived in Doncaster, Yorkshire, England, was shot down 9th Feb 1945 over Kutina, Yugoslavia (near Zagreb), in Beaufighter “Z” Zulu of 19 Squadron SAAF. He was taken POW, then escaped, turning up at the British Mission in Belgrade on 21st May 1945. The pilot was Flt.Lt. Kruger - not known whether he survived the crash landing.

His son seeks any information, especially on his father's period of capture and escape, or any contact with other members of 19 Squadron or their families, especially Flt Lt Kruger.

Simon Younger: simonyounger AT

Names A-M