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To return to this index from an entry please use the BACK button in your browser toolbar - you may of course just scroll through the entries.ALONSO, Dr. Eduardo Martínez British Embassy Madrid, assisting escapers and evaders in Spain
BALFE Joe and Madeleine COMÈTE Line, Hornoy France
BARTLETT, Flt Lt Maurice Leslie Perry: (43004) DFC RAF 272 Sqn
BECK, P/O L T, Lancaster VN-M, kia on 26th July 1943, Essen 50 Sqn: POW
BELL, Etta (sometime known as Janet) Wight (married name LEY) LACW 2nd TAF Photographic negative library
BENN, Harland Trevor (542859V) W/O2 Air Gunner kia 2/3 March 1945 34 Sqn SAAF
BENNETTO, P/O Murray Arthur, J/85240, Pilot 148 Sqn
BERTRAN, Ross Herbert: Sqn Ldr, DFC: RCAF kia 2 Feb 43 38 & 221 Sqns
(ffrench) BEYTAGH, Michael Leo 73 & 602 Sqns
BOND, Arthur William, Sgt: 1301892 RAF(VR) 61 Sqn
BOOTH, GG: Pilot Officer, DFC 207 Sqn
BOYLE, Norah, known as Pat/Paddy: (Rank T/Cpl 2145877), WAAF full time service
BOTHAM, James Harold, Flight Lieutenant, RAF(VR) 124378 23 OTU and 148 Sqn
BROMIGE, Dennis W: WO : POW Fallingbostel
BROOKES, Kenneth LAC Ground Gunner captured on Cos in 1942.
BROWN, William: Acting Flight Sergeant 514578 RAF: Observer kia 22.6.41 Manchester L7314 EM-Y: Boulogne 207 Sqn
BURCHAM, John 112 Sqn, POW Stalag Luft III - his violin
BYRNE A R, F/Sgt 15 Sqn BF460 LS-F PoW No: 1292 Stalag 357 Kopernikus
CAMPBELL, Edward Alexander: Flight Lieutenant, RCAF 514 Sqn
CANT, JA (Joe) : Flt Lt 78 Sqn - Z6823 Whitley 16/8/41 POW nr 3711 Camp 10C & Stalag Luft 3: Chinese Linguist
CAREY, Stan (TAFF) Sgt. Air Sig RAF Coastal Command
CARNILL, John Sgt Wireless Operator: POW 1252, Stalag Luft 6 76 Sqn: POW
CARRINGTON, Douglas Arthur: W/O Rear Gunner
CASQUEIRO, Jonh (João) Pilot 272 Sqn
CAWKWELL, S: Sgt: 646976: POW No. 323 78 Sqn
CLAREY, Colin Mervyn, Flying Officer RAAF 115 Sqn
CLARK, Peter James Arthur Frank, Sgt RAF 73 Sqn: POW
CLULOW, George Frederick: Flight Sergeant: 1391077 RAF(VR): Wireless Operator kia 31.3.44 207 Sqn
CRERAR, David James: Flt Lt RAFVR 219 and 46 Squadrons
CROSSLEY, J S: Sgt: POW 24477 in Stalag Kopernikus 144 Sqn
CURWEN, Valerie, 453662 ACW2 (later Sgt) WAAF, commissioned S/O July 1945 (service no. 8416)
DAVIDSON, FCI: Sergeant RAFVR 1276515. 207 Sqn
DEAN, Edward George: Sgt Pilot 40215324 RAAF 14 & 139 Sqns RAF
DELATORRE, Melville George (Mel) kia 3.3.43 207 Sqn
DICKSON, Alan Stewart (nick-name "SNOW"): Fitter IIE 207 (RAF) & 458 (RAAF) Sqns
DIGBY, Alexander Charles Frederick: Sgt: 1181845 (Air Gunner) 156 Sqn
DOWNEY James Downey, 1490087 LAC: 87 Squadron RAF CMF, Sicily
DUFFY, F/S John L, RNZAF : kia 25.3.44 115 Sqn
DUNN Fred S: F/Sgt Mid-Upper Gunner 460 Sqn PoW
DUNNILL, Stanley: LAC 1304799: Gunner, RAF Singapore, POW Fukuoka in Japan
DUPONT, MAURICE AND MADELEINE - Helpers, Fline-les-raches
FAIRS, Geoffrey John Harry, Flight Sergeant RAF(VR) 657007 224 Sqn RAF Coastal Command
FENTON, Sgt Kenneth: Service No.1053472: 139 Sqn 1 July 1941: POW number 39204
FILLERIN FAMILY Helpers of evaders in Rentu, Pas de Calais
FLETCHER, Thomas Santola Flight Sergeant (Air Bomber): kia 31/3/44 Nuremberg: 9 Sqn Bardney
FRANCE, G C: F/O: POW 514 Sqn
FRANCIS, S : F/Sgt, RAF, POW Number 629 (Stalag Kopernikus) 138 Sqn
GALLOWAY, Richard Malcolm DFM: Service No. 1117103 231 Squadron - 207 Squadron - 635 Squadron
GEDGE, Capt EW POW padre
GILLIS, James: Sergeant & Aeronautical Engineer Stationed Eastleigh, Section 3 in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa 1954-56
GOODMAN, Stella Brenda WAAF - joined 1947
GREAVES, William Charles: Airframe Fitter RAF Corporal 76 Sqn
GRAY, A E: W/O: 929821: POW No.179 123 & 611 Sqns
HAMPTON, Stella W 'Kitten': ACW WAAF 2073528 No.3GTS - RAF Stoke Orchard - July 1942-?
HARBIN, Colin: coxswain RAF Marine/craft section; RAF Seletar Singapore
HAYS DFC, F/O Raymond Morris: kia 30th March 1945 544 Sqn
HEGGVEIT, P/O, RCAF 1404 Met Flight, 521 Sqn
HENSON, Keith: SOE agent? passing off as an American airman when captured: kitchen staff at Dulag Luft
HIGGINS, 'Ted': Pilot 207 Sqn in 1948 or 1949
HOCKEY, Leonard Philip Redcliff , known as Len F/LT RAF(VR): 75 Squadron at RAF Feltwell
HUNTER, Robert Charles: F/O kia 22 Feb 1944 263 Sqn (?63 Sqn)
JACKSON, Joseph William: Flight Sergeant, RAF(VR) 1214834, Obs/Nav 227 Sqn
JANSSEN-LEYDER, Marthe, Belgian Secret Army, 59th Brigade, Eisden, Limburg Region, Belgium Helper of Evaders
JEWELL, Edwin Jack, known as 'Jacky': Sgt, RAF(VR) 1330507 207 Sqn
JONES, Benjamin Bryn, age 22: Sgt, RAF(VR) 1337890, Rear Gunner 207 Sqn
JONES E A F: Sgt RAF Mid Upper Gunner, 75 Sqn POW
KELLY, David: Sqn Ldr, OC 174 Squadron 174 Sqn
KIDD, Larry Kidd (LAC 548580) 1942 RAF West Freugh
KIRK, Paddy: Airman in Bomb Dump Crew: friend of Bill & Doris Shaw, of Dogdyke RAF Coningsby
KIRKLAND, F/S Douglas James: RNZAF, Observer: died 15 Oct 1942 21 Sqn RAF RAF Watton
KIRSCHNER, F/S Ainsley Rupert, 1600924 RAF(VR) 166 Sqn
KLEINBERG, F/O Georges, 130501 RAF(VR): Belgian lawyer in civilian life 207 Sqn
KNIGHT, J W: Sgt: 808427: POW No. 373 78 Sqn
LANGLANDS, David Robertson: Sgt: 1564813 Units unknown
LEAHY, F/Sgt Colin, 1356208 RAF(VR) 31 Sqn SAAF from Celone airfield in the Foggia region of Italy in 1944
LEE, Margaret Evelyn Emily, Leading Aircraftwoman, RAF(VR) 2053742 23 OTU Pershore
LE VOI, Eric: Sgt: POW Stalag Luft III POW nr 13071 18 Sqn
LIEFEGOOHE, R J: Flt Lt: POW 550 Sqn
MACLEOD, Moira (birth name Mary) WAAF 263 Sqn sometime during 1942-43
MacFAYDEN, JOHN: LAC POW Stalag 344, Lamsdorf
MacPHERSON, Alexander James: Flight Engineer 207 Sqn
MAHONY F/O John Edward RAF 39237, lost on 18 July 1940 53 Sqn, Detling
MALAN, Mme Bernard: safe house at Le Vallon, Jurancon, France
MANG, Ronald Franz: P/O: J17769 RCAF 424 Sqn
MATHESON, Geoffrey Charles: Squadron Leader, RAF(VR) 418 Squadron
MAXWELL T : Sgt RAF Rear Gunner 75 Sqn POW
McCARTHY, Harry: Navigator 207 Sqn
MC CLURE, CGB S/Ldr: No 70418
McCOLM, Malcolm: Sqn Ldr : Australian prisoner at Colditz 21 Sqn
McCUNNELL 1697219, Sgt Edwin Ronald: POW 158 Sqn
MICKEY (MOUSE) MANSON Polish WWII Spitfire pilot who stayed on in the RAF
MEDCALF, 1387484 WO Michael Charles: Coastal Command 502 Sqn
MENZIES DFC, Flt Lt John Watherston, known as "Ian" 161 Sqn
MILNE, Harry David: killed 25 October 1942. Flying Officer J/5968
MITCHELL, Ivor: Flying Officer RAF(VR) 134693 207 Sqn
MOORE, Stanley J: Sgt: 1387099 Navigator 7 Sqn
MORRIS, Aileen Mike (later Mrs CLAYTON) WAAF Y Service MEAF
MUSK, Daisy Florence: LACW 452317 RAF DESBOROUGH and RAF FINLEY(?) (Yorkshire)
British Embassy Madrid, assisting escapers and evaders in Spain
Message logged 27 March 2001, revised 9 August 2008: My father's name was Eduardo Martínez Alonso. He worked for the Red Cross during the Spanish Civil War. He was the British Embassy doctor for many years. He then went on to help the MI6 and SIS intelligence group from the UK Embassy in Madrid. He helped to save many lives of those incarcerated in Miranda de Ebro and elsewhere - Jewish Poles and many UK and Allied servicemen arriving in Spain between 1939 and January 1942. He then escaped with my mum as the Gestapo was chasing him in Spain.
He was awarded the King George Medal for Courage and the Polish Gold Cross (granted in London in 1956). I was born in London in 1946. I have pictures, his diary, a book written by him, etc. My book describing these adventures is already in the hands of the publishers in Barcelona, but may not be ready for some months. I also have interesting documents from the Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores in Madrid. [The book was published in 2003]
I would still like to hear from anyone, especially those who evaded to Spain up to January 1942, who may have come into contact with my father.
Also from anyone who has information about Miranda de Ebro.
email: Patricia Martínez de Vicente patmatz AT
RAF Coningsby, Waddington, Upper Heyford (and others)
50 & 106 Squadrons.
Kia 02/06/1942 in Lancaster R5844 ZN- of 106 Sqn on Essen, from RAF Coningsby. P/O Bake's crew was:P/O J A Worswick DFC
Sgt R I Hart
W/O G Robson DFM
P/O A G Bake DFM
Sgt J D Brown
Sgt T E Hodgson
Sgt W L LambertSurviving crew would like to contact P/O Bake's relatives. His father was Victor Gilbert Bake, born in Seacombe, Wirral, Cheshire. His mother was Mary Ann, and his wife was Mary Agnes. Alfred was from Burnage, Lancashire.
P/O Bake's DFM was gained when he was serving as a Sgt on 50 Sqn and was Gazetted on 22 Nov 1940.
Sgt Alfred Bake flew as my father's W/Op AG on many ops in Hampdens. My father is Wing Commander Charles Darwen Stenner, DSO, DFC RAF(Retd): 41344, ex 50, 106 and 207 Sqns, (16 OTU). He was was 90 in April 2004.
email Lester Stenner: lester AT
COMÈTE Line, Hornoy France
Message logged 11th June 1999, updated 6 April 2010: Joe and Madeleine were Section leaders in Hornoy running an hotel and safe house. My mother was the youngest child and played her part in moving airmen to safety. I am trying to find out if anyone has a story to tell of the experience he/she may have had and would like to contact me. My mother died aged 69 earlier this year and much of the story goes with her, as the traumas suffered had such an impact that she was very reluctant to talk of her experiences. Both my grandparents are now dead also. All the family were decorated - Joe Balfe with the Croix de Guerre with Crossed Palms, CBE and other medals. The rest of the family were also decorated, however my mother then a young teenager was considered too young. Any help you can give would be very gratefully received.
Monica and Andrew Dale: erewebeuandme AT
BARTLETT, Flt Lt Maurice Leslie Perry: (43004) DFC RAF
272 Sqn died LG 10, Egypt on 1/1/42
Message logged 5 May 2003: I am researching the life of Flt Lt Maurice Leslie Perry Bartlett (43004) DFC RAF, who was killed in a tent fire at LG 10, Egypt on 1/1/42 (buried El Alamein). Flt Lt 'Barty' Bartlett (A Flt Commander, 272 Sqn) was born in Bristol and transferred from the KORBR in 1940/41, after being engaged on active service with his Regiment in Palestine. He flew Bristol Beaufighters for a hectic six months before his tragic death in the Middle East.
I would be pleased to hear from anyone who knew him
Jon Hipkins : Jonny956 AT
BECK, P/O L T kia on 26th July 1943 on Essen, Lancaster VN-M
50 Squadron
Message logged 14 May 2002 on behalf of RAF Ex POW Association: P/O L T Beck was killed in a 50 Squadron Lancaster VN-M on 26th July 1943 on Essen. On behalf of his widow I am trying to find any information about three members of the crew who became POWs - P/O R F Young RAF No.146159 POW No.1948, F/O E D P Every RAAF No.Aus 408393 POW No.1302 and F/Sgt H Rogerson RAF No.531582 POW No.222471.
Batch Batchelder, RAF Ex POW Association: via editor
BELL, Etta (sometime known as Janet) Wight (married name LEY): LACW 2119343
2nd TAF Photographic negative library
Message logged 27th June 2002: My grandmother on my father's side was born as Etta (which is I believe Scottish for Janet, as she was sometimes known in later life) Wight Bell. She married my grandad during the war so her name was then Etta Wight Ley. I have her RAF service and release book which I got all my info from: her Trade was Photographer, Service Group M50. Her family would like to hear from her old friends.
Steven Ley: vinylsteve AT
BENN, Harland Trevor (542859V) W/O2 Air Gunner kia 2/3 March 1945
26 Squadron SAAF (Mar – Sept 1953) – first tour of duty
Takoradi on the West African Gold Coast (Ghana)
12 Squadron SAAF (Jan – Sept 1944) – second tour of duty
Algeria (Telergma) and Italy (Jesi, Biferno, Pescara)
34 Squadron SAAF (Dec 1944 – Mar 1945) – third tour of duty
Celone Airfield, Foggia, Italy
Message logged 6 Nov 2004: I am looking for anyone who served with/at any of these units/bases and might have known my uncle, Air Gunner W/O2 Harland Trevor Benn (542859V) aged 20 from Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Harland’s plane and crew disappeared without trace on the night of 2/3 March 1945 while on a bombing raid on the marshalling yards at Porta Vescovo, in Verona East. MRES searched the area south of Verona after the war, without success. The presumed grave is stated as “Lake Comacchio” in the SAAF death register.Also looking for family/friends of the crew which comprised:
206044V Lt Philip Anthony Klapper (Durban) Pilot & A/C Commander SAAF
206234V Air Sgt Derek Knight Austin Pilot SAAF
103554V Lt Joscelyn Albert Tudor Steele Observer SAAF
542859V W/O II Harland Trevor Benn (20; PE) Air Gunner SAAF
607376V W/O II Robert James Faull (18; Cape Town) Air Gunner SAAF
607330V W/O II Ronald Esme Wicht (19; Cape Town) Air Gunner SAAF
and, from the RAF
1319962 Fl/Sgt Alfred Matthews (ex Dagenham, Essex) Bomb Aimer RAF VR
1686414 Sgt Edward Moody Stoves (ex Horden, Co. Durham) W/Op-Air Gunner RAF VR
Contact Melanie Herman: melherman AT (17 13th Ave, Walmer, Port Elizabeth 6070, Rep of SA)
148 Squadron RAF , flying Wellingtons out of Kabrit, Egypt (Desert Air Force).
Message logged 20 Nov 2002: He served from on 148 Sqn from 27 April 1942 to his death on 16 July 1942 in a raid on Tobruk, Libya. Promoted P/O posthumously. He was born in Guelph, Ont., Canada on 22 May 1914 to Dr. Frederick and Bessie Bennetto. Moved in 1927 to Hamilton, Ont.
Information needed for research on McMaster University World War II honour roll.
Charles M. Johnston: Charlesmjohnston AT
BERTRAN, Ross Herbert: Sqn Ldr, DFC: RCAF kia 2 Feb 43
38 & 221 Squadrons
Message logged 12th April 2001: Born Stevensville, Ontario 1917; enlisted Hamilton 14 Oct 1940. Trained at No.1 ITS, No.1 EFTS and No.4 SFTS. Commissioned July 1941. Awarded DFC for his part in a successful daylight attack on a ship in Tobruk Harbour in October 1942, when serving with 38 Sqn.
He went missing on a sortie from Malta on 2 Feb 43 when serving with 221 Sqn.
I am writing a book on him - he was my uncle - and I would like to hear from anyone who knew him.
contact: bertran AT
(ffrench) BEYTAGH, Michael Leo
a CO of 73 Sqn in the Battle of Britain; later CO of 602 Sqn
Message logged 25 August 2000 : My uncle served with 73 Sqn during the BoB and was commanding it on 15 Sept 1940. He later went on to command 602 Sqn. I have his Service Record and the book that was written about his life - Shoulder the Sky by Gil Thomas. I have been in touch, via the RAF Bulletin Board, with Floyd Williston and have spoken on the phone with the editor of the book Men of the BoB, Ken Wynn - who lives here in New Zealand.
What I am trying to do is to locate and contact anyone who served with my uncle. He died in Pemba (Africa) in 1952, a couple of years before I was born. I am of course in touch with his daughter, but I need to talk to someone who knew him and fought with him so I can find out what he was “really” like.Michael Martin (ffrench) Beytagh, in New Zealand: beytaghs AT
BOND, Arthur William, Sgt: 1301892 RAF(VR)
61 Squadron, Syerston
Message logged 3rd March 2001: I am researching the career of my wife's uncle, Sgt. Arthur William Bond 1301892 RAF(VR), of 61 Sqn killed in action with all his crew on 28 April 1943, minelaying in the Baltic on an op from RAF Syerston in Nottinghamshire. He was aged 21.
I would be pleased to hear from anyone who knew Sgt Bond and to receive any information about the 'plane, the crew and RAF Syerston.
Lancaster I - W4898 Code QR-?
Pilot W/O Michael de Beauchamp COLLENETTE, DFM RAF(VR) (742200)
Son of Frank de B. and Marie Nora Collenette, of Brighton, Sussex, EnglandF/E Sgt Jack NORMAN RAF (541519) Nav P/O Ian Ronald ROBERTSON RAAF (404657)
Son of Sydney and Emily Gertrude Robertson, of Greenslopes, Queensland, AustraliaB/A P/O Reginald Donovan MIX RCAF (J/17075)
Son of Thomas and Amy Beatrice Mix, of Toronto, Ontario, CanadaW/Op P/O Nathaniel Robert GYLES RAAF (401236)
Son of Harry John Willmott Gyles and Eva Gyles, of Moonee Ponds, Victoria, AustraliaA/G W/O2 Franklin Guy MOORE RCAF (R/119531)
Son of George A. and Myra Ellen Moore, of Kenora, Ontario, CanadaA/G Sgt Arthur William BOND RAF(VR) (1301892)
Son of William Arthur and Annie Sarah Bond, of Kingstanding Birmingham. David Ingram: ingen AT (new email address notified 18 May 05)
BOOTH, G G: Pilot Officer, DFC
207 Sqn
Message logged 9th March 1999: Fred Richardson and his crew's survivors wish to trace Grant Booth, who flew with them.
contact: via editor
BOTHAM, James Harold, Flight Lieutenant, RAF(VR) 124378
148 Sqn, Brindisi, Italy: kia 3 March 1944 aged 23: Halifax HR660, FS-A (see also Units entry).
Message logged 31st August 2001: updated 26 Dec 2006: Formerly of 23 OTU, Pershore, Worcestershire. Son of Harold Botham and Edith Gertrude Botham, of 15 Pilkington Road, Kearsley, Bolton, Lancs. Born in Uckfield, Sussex; student of Leeds University; friend, while at 23 OTU Pershore, of LACW Margaret Evelyn Emily Lee of Lincoln (see her separate entry). Family and friends are urged to seek contact for personal reasons.
contact Aidan: aidan AT
BOYLE, Norah, known as Pat/Paddy: (Rank T/Cpl 2145877), WAAF full time service
message logged 16 Feb 2010: updated 19 Dec 2013: From (8/10/43 - 21/9/48), [OTU-Eshott/Weston-super-Mare/16MU-Stafford/(Unit 431ED) Hamburg & Brussels]
Further information through 'Forces Reunited' website or directly from padraigmos AT
BROMIGE, Dennis W: WO : POW Fallingbostel
from RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH18: The daughter of WO Dennis W Bromige is keen to find anyone who can help with some of her father's history - RAF or PoW. He was the navigator of a Dakota shot down at Arnhem and was at 11B (Fallingbostel) his RAF No. 1332853, PoW No. 118153. His wife died in 1949 when their daughter was born and Dennis died from a heart attack seven years later so his daughter has had no opportunity to learn of her father's career.
Contact: via editor
BROOKES, Kenneth RAF No: 1056298, PoW No: 684 captured on Cos in 1942.
from RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH17: A Ground Gunner LAC Kenneth Brookes, RAF No: 1056298, PoW No: 684; captured on Cos in 1942. His grandson in Australia is hoping for information on his RAF Unit, capture, incarceration etc.
Contact: via editor
BROWN, William: Acting Flight Sergeant 514578 RAF: Observer kia 22.6.41 Manchester L7314 EM-Y: Boulogne
207 Squadron, Waddington
Message logged 19th April 2002: My father William Brown's aircraft EM-Y L7341 of 207 Squadron was shot down by "friendly fire" by Beaufighter of 25 Squadron RAF Wittering when returning from a raid on Boulogne. All the crew were lost:
Pilot - F/O John Douglas George Withers DFC RAF
2nd Pilot - Sgt Alick Michael James RAFVR
Observer - F/S William Brown DFM RAF: son of Mr and Mrs Robert Brown: husband of Edna Brown, of Waleswood, Yorkshire
1st WOp/AG - F/S Allan Malone RAF
2nd WOp/AG - Sgt Stanley Veitch RAFVR
M/U Gunner - Sgt John Allan Maville RCAF
Rear Gunner - F/S Michael Vincent Browne RAF
The aircraft crashed at 0155 at Wollaston 9m ENE of Northampton.
Sgt Veitch is buried in Mere Knolls Cemetery, Sunderland. The rest of the crew rest in Lincoln's Newport Cemetery
My brother and I are trying to trace any remaining members of my father's family [William Brown] but since Brown is a very common name we are having little success. 43 Eighth Street, Horden, Peterlee, County Durham, SR8 4LY was his home address but the house is now demolished.
He had a sister then unmarried - Lily Brown and a younger brother, again unmarried, James (known as Jimmy) Brown. I believe his mother died before the war but his father may still have been alive at the time of William's death.
It would be helpful if you can put us in touch with any members of 207 Squadron or others who may have known him. William Brown was serving in India I believe in 1939 when war broke out. We have further details of his RAF service if it would be relevant.
contact Barbara Henry-Mallender, née Brown: bhmross AT
BURCHAM, John: POW Stalag Luft III - his violin
112 Sqnfrom RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH16: On the 7th March 1944 John Burcham was flying a Kittyhawk of 112 Squadron over Italy, was hit and crash landed near Trasacco. He evaded capture for a few days but was eventually caught and landed up at Stalag Luft 3, while there he acquired a violin which he taught himself to play sufficiently well to join the orchestra. The violin has now been given to a school in South London - "to be used by an outstanding pupil". The school is keen to discover the history of the instrument, from whence it came etc. - it has been described as "although not a 'Strad' it is an exceptionally good instrument".
Contact: via editor
BYRNE A R, F/Sgt 15 Sqn Stirling, BF460 LS-F
PoW No: 1292 Stalag 357 Kopernikusfrom RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH17: Do you know the whereabouts of F Sgt A R Byrne, RAF No. 1578229, PoW No. 1292 Stalag 357 Kopernikus; Navigator on 15 Sqn Stirling, BF460 LS-F, shot down on 10/08/1943, target Nurnberg.
Contact: via editor
CAMPBELL, Edward Alexander: Flight Lieutenant, RCAF
514 Sqn: Lancaster JI-C2, also known as A2-C LL962, lost 28/29 July 1944, on Stuttgart
Message logged 16th March 1999: As a result of being shot down, I spent a month in hiding with 150 other Allied Airmen in Freteval Forest, near Orleans. We were liberated by Patton's Third Army as they swept the area. I would like to hear from any others involved in this: please also see my message about RAF Waterbeach.
contact E. Alex Campbell (Lancaster Pilot, 514 Sqn, RAF): campah1 AT (updated email address)
CANT, JA (Joe) : Flt Lt
Middleton St George - 78 Sqn - Z6823 Whitley 16/8/41 POW nr 3711 Camp 10C & Stalag Luft 3: Chinese LinguistMessage 26 October 2005: Some colleagues and I were members of No.1 Chinese Linguists Course in 1955. Our course leader was a Flt Lt Joe Cant who had apparently learned Chinese when a POW in Germany where a Chinese fellow prisoner had taught him to speak the language perfectly. I seem to remember him mentioning that the camp was where the famous Wooden Horse escape had happened.
Joe was greatly admired by all of his students and we would like to find out more about his time as a prisoner and the Chinese connection.
Contact Steve Fletcher steve.fletcher AT
CAREY, Stan (TAFF); Sgt. Air Sig, RAF Coastal Command
203/36 Sqdn Lancasters and Neptunes. RAF St. Eval & RAF Topcliffe 1952-55
Message logged 1 Jun 1999: I am seeking Pete Burton (Eng) and Terry Lewis (Sig)
contact: chris AT
CARNILL, John; Sgt, Wireless Operator: POW Stalag Luft 6 Heydekrug : no. 1252
76 Sqn: Halifax LK932 MP-X: shot down 3 Nov 1943
Message logged 4 Jul 2000: The aircraft took off at 1704hrs from RAF Holme-on-Spalding-Moor. Shot down by a night fighter (Lt Otto Fries, II./NJG1) and crashed 1930hrs at Lanaken (Limburg) 22km SE of Genk, Belgium. The whole crew survived:
F/L DG Hornsey - evaded
Sgt FAJ Jewson - 4B Stalag Muhlberg-Elbe no. 263403
Sgt RW Glover - 357 Stalag Kopernikus no. 1478 (Sgt Glover was apprehended by the authorities on 23 December having reached the French town of Pontarlier, close to the border with Switzerland.)
Sgt DC Carter - Stalag Luft 6 Heydekrug : no. 1251
Sgt JC Carnill - Stalag Luft 6 Heydekrug : no. 1252
Sgt JK Davis - KJ Davis of 76 Sqn was in 357 Stalag Kopernikus no.3015
Sgt RE Stokes - 4B Stalag Muhlberg-Elbe no. not known
Mrs Anna Erkens, her brother Eduard Erkens, and her father Leopold Erkens saved a lot of U.S. and British aircrew. Mrs Anna Erkens has letters and the address of Mr Carnill, but they are of over 50 years ago. The address then was, "Rosedale" 246 Westdale Lane, Gedling, Notts. Mr Carnill and his son visited the much decorated Family Erkens at Elen. Mrs Anna ERKENS is still alive and she would very much like to regain contact with Mr Carnill or his family or to hear from other survivors of the crew (Mr Glover is already in touch).contact on behalf of the Erkens family of Elen, Belgium, is Leon Reumers: leonreumers AT
CARRINGTON, Douglas Arthur: W/O Rear Gunner
Message logged 17 January 2004: He was probably born in the Ellesmere Port/Wirral area. He served as a Rear Gunner and ended up as a Warrant Officer after doing 30 ops. He went back into civilian work at Bowaters but unfortunately one month later died of a heart attack. I can find no clue as to what squadron he was in. I am his great-niece.
Contact Felicity Cameron jjfcameron AT
272 Squadron
Message logged 30th October 1999: He was a Portuguese volunteer pilot who fought in the Mediterranean area, in 272 Squadron.
Later he became a commercial pilot on TAP- Portuguese Airlines. He died a few years ago. I would like to trace any of his old Squadron friends in order to write an article about his time in the RAF.
Rui Alves Lisbon: rmalves AT
CAWKWELL, S: Sgt: 646976: POW No. 323
78 Sqn: shot down 19/20 November 1940: Whitley
Message logged 8th March 1999: Your Australian pilot, P/O REH George, is looking for you.
on behalf of RAF Ex-POW Association: via editor
CLAREY, Colin Mervyn, Flying Officer RAAF 426312
115 Sqn, Witchford: Lancaster III ND 913 A4-M2, lost 20-21 July 1944, Homberg
Message logged 13 Jun 1999: Took off 2330 Witchford. Crashed 0145 at Papendrecht (Zuid -Holland), on the N bank of the De Merwede and opposite Dordrecht. All are buried in General Cemetery at Papendrecht.
I am writing from Australia. I am desperately seeking information about my grandfather, 426312 Flying Officer Colin Mervyn Clarey who was an Australian pilot flying for 115 Squadron during WW2. He was the pilot of ND913. I would greatly appreciate any contact that will tell me more about my grandfather's service and the circumstances of his death.
Michael Clarey: clarseam AT
CLARK, Peter James Arthur Frank, Sgt RAF 1801114.
73 Sqn, August - September 1944 Canne (Italy) Spitfire Mk. IX F MJ116
Message logged 20 Jan 2020: Peter Clark was taken Pow after 18. September 1944 after bailing out his Spitfire Mk. IX F MJ116, Ljubljana. Camps Dulag Luft - Stalag Luft IV. Repatriated 1945.Born: 1 March 1923, Registration District: Croydon. Father: James Clark ; Mother: Beatrice Clark née Jones. Enlisted: Euston; after December 1941
Researcher (archaeological team which excavated MJ116) seeks contact with the Clark family.
Dr Andrej Gaspari, University of Ljubljana: Andrej.Gaspari AT
CLULOW, George Frederick: Flight Sergeant: 1391077 RAF(VR): Wireless Operator kia 31.3.44, age 20: son of John George and Annie Eliza Clulow, of Bow, London.
207 Sqn, Spilsby: Lancaster III LM346 EM-G (Pilot P/O B C Riddle A/424547 RNZAF age 22)
Message logged 6th Feb 2000: 30-31 Mar 1944 Op: Nurnberg t/o 2211 Spilsby. Outbound, shot down by a night fighter and crashed at Freiensteinau, a small town 12 km NW of Schluchtern. The air gunners rest in Hannover War Cemetery, but the rest of the crew have no known graves. I would like to hear from anyone who knew F/Sgt Clulow or anyone who could give me any information on him.Shaun Clulow: shaun AT
CRERAR, David James: Flt Lt RAFVR
Message logged 12th March 2002: My father served on 219 Squadron at Tangmere in 1941, 46 Squadron in Egypt 1942. His records show the units he was in : EFTS Desford, FTS Ridlington, 54 OTU Church Fenton, 219 Squadron Tangmere, ADU TAK Cairo, 46 Squadron Western Desert, FIU Ford, Wittering, FIDS Ford. David and his wife Eileen died in a car crash in 1974.
Son PJ Crerar and Trish Crerar seek information from anyone who came into contact with David during WW2: tcrerar AT
CROSSLEY, J S: Sgt: POW 24477 in Stalag Kopernikus
144 Sqn, North Luffenham
please see 144 Sqn message about Hampden AD846
CURWEN, Valerie: 453662 ACW2 (later Sgt) WAAF
Commissioned S/O July 1945 (service no. 8416)Message logged 6th April 2005: I'd be very pleased to hear from anyone who served with my late sister Valerie Curwen:
RAF Hornchurch, November 1941 - March 1942, plotting.
RAF Kingsdown & RAF Canterbury, March 1942 - May 1945 (secret radio intelligence unit).
Commissioned S/O July 1945 (service no. 8416); for a time in Paris investigating claims made by French resistance concerning help to British airmen shot down over France.
Demob May 1946; went to British Embassy in Berne.
She died in Norway on 3 January 2001.Please contact: tony.curwen AT (updated 11 Aug 2008)
DAVIDSON, FCI: Sergeant RAFVR 1276515
207 Sqn Langar.
Enlisted 22/1/1941. Sgt Navigator 1943.
Returned to Civil Life 12/6/1946. Probable Navigator at one time with Horace Badge's crew.
Any information on him would be much appreciated in order to complete a book on Lancaster ED412 EM-Q, in which the Badge crew were lost on 12/13 July 1943.Contact Jim Wright, son of the Bomb Aimer in the Badge crew:
DEAN, Edward George: Sgt Pilot 40215324 RAAF
14 & 139 Sqns RAF
Message logged 24th April 2002: email address updated 18 Nov 2003: My father served with 14 & 139 Sqns RAF during WWII. I am looking for further info from people he served with. His air gunner was Alec Hoyle from Bristol - he and my father were great mates during and after the war.
Tim Dean: deano AT
DELATORRE, Melville George, known as "Mel": Flight Sergeant (WOp/AG) 402590 RAAF : kia 3 March 1943
49 Squadron, Scampton from 7 May 1942 and 207 Squadron, Bottesford from 15 August 1942
Message logged 25th April 2002: My husband's grandfather was the son of Celis Victor and Ina Pearl Delatorre; husband of Marie Elizabeth Delatorre, of Auburn, New South Wales, Australia. Mel, aged 29, was killed in action on 3 March 1943 when a member of the 207 Squadron Evison crew:
Night of 3/4 March 1943: 207 Sqn - Lancaster I - ED365 EM-U Op: Hamburg
Pilot - Sgt Peter Evison RAFVR
Flight Engineer - Sgt Raymond Walter Ernest Holley RAF
Navigator - F/O Bernard Johnson RAFVR
Air Bomber - WO2 William Victor Wallace RCAF
Wireless Op/AG - F/S Melville George Delatorre RAAF
M/U Gunner - Sgt Lewis Reginald Thompson RAFVR
Rear Gunner - WO2 William Edward Cain RCAF
All were killed
EM-U took off 1900 from RAF Langar. Crashed at WEDEL, 16 km W of HAMBURG, where all the crew were buried on 10 March on the OHLSDORF district of the city. Sgt Evison had crashed on return from LORIENT in Mid February.
Family seeks contact with anyone who may remember Mel or other Evison crew members. I would also like to contact any Australian members of 207 Squadron.Priscilla Delatorre: priscilla.delatorre AT
DICKSON, Alan Stewart (nick-name "SNOW"): Fitter IIE
207 (RAF) Squadron, joining at Waddington UK 16 Sep 1941 &
458 (RAAF) Squadron, joining at Shallufa, Egypt from 27 Feb 1942
Message logged 26th April 2001: My father was born 6th February 1918 at Birregurra Victoria, the son of George Cowan DICKSON and Ada May (nee BROWN): he died 2nd January 1966 in Adelaide, South Australia.
His WWII service number was 11006: he enlisted in Melbourne, Victoria on 15 July 1940, as a trainee technical fitter, and was sent to England after training in Australia. He became a Fitter IIE from 15 Dec 1940.
Promotions: Aircraftman from 15 July 1940, Leading Aircraftman from 29 Oct 1940, Corporal from 10 Nov 1944, discharged 28 Sep 1945 on demobilisation.
His daughter Suzanne Maiden seeks any information from anyone who may have known him.Suzanne Maiden, GPO Box 1316, ADELAIDE, South Australia: maiden.suzanne AT
DIGBY, Alexander Charles Frederick RAFVR: Sergeant: 1181845 (Air Gunner): kia 15th/16th April 1942
156 Sqn, based at RAF Alconbury, Wellington Mk III X3697 GT-
Message logged 15 April 2003: My great uncle was the son of George Joseph and Mary Digby, of Snodland, Kent; and husband of Joyce Mary Digby, of Derby.
This was the first operational loss by 156 Sqn since its formation on 14 Feb 1942. X3697 took off at 2315 on 15th April 1942 from RAF Alconbury, target Dortmund. Crashed between two farms owned by the Bodez and Demeulenaere families near Vlissegem, (West Vlaanderen), 12 km WNW of Brugge, Belgium. Crew all killed and are buried in Vlissegem churchyard.
Pilot: Pilot Officer Allan George Griffith RCAF
Co Pilot: Sergeant Oliver Raymond East
Observer: Sergeant Roy Charles Edgar Willingham
WOp/Air Gunner: Sergeant Graham Donald Randall
Air Gunner: Sergeant Alexander Charles Frederick Digby
Air Gunner: Sergeant Eric George Andrew Stevens
I am seeking any further information on my great uncle, his aircraft or fellow crew members.
Simon Digby: simondigby AT
DOWNEY James Downey, 1490087 LAC: 87 Squadron RAF CMF, Sicily
Message logged 11 May 2012: The enquiry is regarding 1490087 LAC James Downey, 87 Squadron RAF CMF who wrote a letter to my family on 10 August 1944. He was known as Jimmy and was a close friend of my father's during WW2 in Palermo when my father Giovanni Palmeri (a Sicilian civilian) was working for the Allies. I am researching the family history and would like to know more about Jimmy and what happened to him. I cannot visit records offices etc. and have to do research through the Internet.
Lauraine Palmeri: lpalmeri AT
DUFFY, F/S John L, RNZAF : kia 25 Mar 1944
115 Sqn, Witchford: Lancaster LL694 KO-N: P/O T E Vipond
Message logged 31st March 2001: My name is George Allison and I live in Northern Ireland.
I have a diary which belonged to a John Laurence Duffy who came from New Zealand. John trained in various locations, Dafoe, Prince Albert, and No.1 Y Depot Halifax, Canada.
He was killed on the 25th March 1944 whilst on a op to Berlin. His crew consisted of PO TE Vipond, Sgt A Diggle,Flt Sgt JL Duffy RNZAF, Sgt JE Hammond, F/O EJ Deemer RCAF, Sgt AJ Hull and Sgt RL Coulter RCAF.They took off from Witchford at 1837hrs and were shot down by Hptm Martin Drewes III./NJG1 and crashed at 0020 at Epse in Gelderland, 4km SSE of Deventer. All were buried on 27 March in Gorssel General Cemetery. Theirs was one of 4 Lancasters lost that night by 115 Sqn.
I would dearly like to make contact with anyone who knew John Duffy or any of his crew. It is my intention to return this diary to John's next of kin. If anyone can help please get in touch.George Allison : Georgeallison AT
DUNN Fred S: F/Sgt , RAF No. 1579910, PoW Mid-Upper Gunner
460 Sqn Lancaster AR-H No. W4301from RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH17: F/Sgt Fred S Dunn, RAF No. 1579910, PoW No. 261224, Mid-Upper Gunner on 460 Sqn Lancaster AR-H No. W4301, shot down 02/10/1943, target Munich. Fred's wife's name is/was Doreen, they had two children and lived in Solihull.
Contact: via editor
DUNNILL, Stanley: LAC 1304799: Gunner, RAF
Singapore, POW Fukuoka in Japan
Message logged 23rd April 2002, email address updated 16 Aug 2002: LAC Stanley Dunnill RAF was from Stockton on Tees, Co Durham. He was husband to Lillian, friend of fellow prisoner Honeyman also of Stockton. Any information on the camp or Stan, please contact me.
Trevor Wilson: decart AT
DUPONT, MAURICE AND MADELEINE - Helpers, Fline-les-raches
Message logged 18 Aug 2003: My husband's grandfather operated a safe house in Fline-les-raches, between Douai and Valenciennes, during the war, and took in a few downed RAF pilots. Although he and his wife, Maurice and Madeleine Dupont, have passed away, my mother-in-law, Mauricette Dupont Roy, who was a child at the time, would be very interested in corresponding/meeting with any of those pilots or their families.
Contact: Melissa Roy: lesroys AT
514 Sqn: shot down 21 November 1944, target Homberg, from Waterbeach: Lancaster PD265 JI-G
Message logged 7th March 1999: Simon J Hepworth's great uncle F/Sgt Peter Gosnold was among the five crew who died. He would like to contact the survivors or their families.
Simon Hepworth: simon AT
FAIRS, Geoffrey John Harry, Flight Sergeant RAF(VR) 657007
224 Sqn RAF Coastal Command St Eval: KIA 7th June 1944. 2nd Pilot of Liberator B/224 assumed shot down by U-415 with loss of all crew. Husband of Doris Fairs (née Buck) of Leiston, Suffolk and son of Sidney and Mildred Fairs of Walberswick, Suffolk.
Message logged 17 December 2000: Seeking information about surviving members of 224 Sqn, or their relatives, who served with Geoffrey Fairs. In particular the crew he flew with, as 2nd Pilot, in January 1944 (have photograph): S/L E.J. Wicht, Pilot (Swiss), F/O R.W. King, Navigator, F/S D.G. Yerby, W.Op, W/O Mackinon W.Op, W/O G. Skidmore W.Op, F/S C. Owen W/Op, F/S G.T. Lenson, Engr. and relatives of the crew he was lost with, as 2nd Pilot, on 6/7th June 1944: F/O R.H. Buchan-Hepburn RAAF (Pilot), F/S P. Hogan RAAF, F/S J.D. Whitby RAAF, F/S M. Dickenson RAAF, F/S B. Hands RAAF, F/S A. Kennedy RAAF, F/S H. Earl RAAF, F/S L. Barnes, Sgt A. Collins.
Brian Buck: bwmv_buck AT (updated Nov 06)
FENTON, Sgt Kenneth: Service No.1053472: Missing on 139 Sqn 1 July 1941: POW number 39204.
Message logged 15 March 2007: My father died in 1976 when I was 17 and too daft to ask about his war. I know he escaped once with JA McCairnsbut was re-captured but I know little else about his time.
He trained at 13 OTU Bicester Nov 1940. Posted 139 Sqn, Horsham St. Faith, June 1941.
Shot down 1st July 1941 in Blenheim IV XD-L V6258 with Sgt Alan Andrew Fuller (Observer) and Sgt Robbie W McDonald (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner).He was in POW camps with the survivors of the crew of High Speed Launch 108 sent to find them (WF Jackman, AF Raybould, GR Daggett, WT Guilfoyle (killed), WH Hales, GP Drayson and AG Overill): July 1941, Stalag IXc (Bad Sulza), May 1942, Stalag Luft III (Sagan where most of the crew remained); June 1943, Stalag Luft VI (Hydekrug); July 1944 Stalag 357 (Thorn and Fallingbostel) until April 1945.
If you knew of my father or any of the above please contact me.
contact Nick Fenton: nick AT
Message logged 5th November 1999: I would be grateful for any information about the role played by the Fillerin family in the networks for evading airmen and British and Allied soldiers.René Lesage: RENELESAGE AT AOL.COM
FLETCHER, Thomas Santola: Flight Sergeant 1320358 RAFVR: (Air Bomber): kia 31 March 1944: Nuremberg
9 Sqn Bardney
Message logged 23 July 2006: Patricia Duperey is seeking any information or anyone who may have known her father, Flight Sergeant (Air Bomber) Thomas Santola Fletcher, who with five other members of his crew was reported killed in action when Lancaster III serial W5006 Code WS-X from 9 Sqn took off from RAF Bardney at 2205 on the evening of 30/03/1944 on Ops to Nuremberg. It was shot down on the outward journey by an Me110 (Maj Martin Drewes III.NJG1) and crashed at Cleeberg 8km WNW of Butzbach.
The other members of the crew who were also reported killed in action were:
Flying Officer (Pilot) James Gordon Richmond Ling
Sergeant (Flt Engr) Leonard Moss
Sergeant (WOp/Air Gnr) Edgar Alexander Gauld
Pilot Officer (Air Gnr) Edward James Rush RCAF
Sergeant (Air Gnr) Italo Prada (Rear Gunner) - buried with the other five kia in Hanover War Cemetery. His Italian father had been interned in the Isle of Man at time of his son's death in action.Sergeant H Laws (Nav) was taken POW and taken to Stalag 357 Kopernikus.
If you remember F/S Fletcher, or can help with any further details of him or his crew then Patricia would like to hear from you.
Contact (via Mike Prada): Prada AT
514 Sqn: shot down 21 November 1944, target Homberg, from Waterbeach: Lancaster PD265 JI-G
Message logged 7th March 1999: Simon J Hepworth's great uncle F/Sgt Peter Gosnold was among the five crew who died. He would like to contact the survivors or their families.
Simon Hepworth: simon AT
FRANCIS, S : F/Sgt, RAF, POW Number 629 (Stalag Kopernikus)
138 Sqn: RAF Tempsford: Halifax JD156: POW 16/17 Sept 1943
Shot down off Jutland coast
Message logged 12th November 2002: Surviving crew seek contact with him or his familyJason Laing: jason AT
GALLOWAY, Richard Malcolm DFM: Service No. 1117103
231 Squadron - 207 Squadron - 635 Squadron
Message logged 23 November 2007: His award of the DFM was gazetted on 27 June 1944. I would appreciate any information on his RAF service and particularly from those who served with him.
Richard Malcolm Galloway was born in October 1914 at Carnoustie in Scotland and died at the Strathcarron Hospice, Denny, Scotland in July 1995.
He came into the RAF via No.3 RC Padgate, on to 10 SIGS at Blackpool and to 231 Squadron in Belfast as a wireless operator. He then went for training as an air gunner at No.1 AGS Pembrey, and on to 207 Squadron via 19 OTU and 1654 CU.
On 207 Squadron he was the Mid-Upper Air Gunner in the crew of F/O KL Wright RAFVR, whose crew joined 207, then at Langar, Nottinghamshire, on around the 13 July 1943 and undertook their 1st operational sortie as a crew on 25/26 July 1943. This was the first of 29 that this pilot undertook, the last one being undertaken on the 23rd March 1944. The crew had moved with the Squadon to Spilsby, Lincolnshire on 12th October 1943.
From 207 he then went to 12 OTU in March 1944 and finished up on 635 Squadron, Pathfinders. He also had post-war RAF service.
Richard was an artist, an historical researcher and one of the most skilled bow makers of his, or any other, generation (it was through archery that I came to know him). He supplied bows to the Royal Company of Archers both before and after the war and made a bow for the present Queen’s father, George VI.Contact Clive Bartlett : Clive.Bartlett AT
from RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH17: Daughter would like to hear from anyone who knew her father, Capt. E.W.Gedge who was a padre in many PoW camps.
Contact: via editor
GILLIS, James: Sergeant & Aeronautical Engineer
Stationed Eastleigh, Section 3 in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa 1954 to 1956.
Message logged 17th Feb 2000: Please help me find my father. He was a son of Alexander Gillis. Friend of Jack Ian, a Coporal at the same base
James Kiwanuka: nabudere AT
GOODMAN, Stella Brenda : WAAF - joined 1947
Message logged 5th April 2001: Searching for anyone who knew Stella Brenda Goodman, who joined the WAAF in November 1947 and possibly served at Wilmslow or did initial training there. RAF records show that in July 1948 she was stationed at No.1 School of Admin and Trades Wythall but shortly after that was posted to RAF Innsworth. Please e-mail me if you have the slightest bit of information.
Kathy Wojnarowicz: bwo AT
GRAY, A E: W/O: 929821: POW No.179
123 & 611 Sqns: captured 27 Aug 1941: Spitfire
Message logged 8th March 1999: update 15 January 2008 His son, Mr G Gray, who was aged 10 when W/O Gray died in 1959, is trying to gather a history of his father's career in the RAF and as a POW.
Daniel Gray (grandson): DGray AT
GREAVES, William Charles: Airframe Fitter RAF Corporal 1172794
76 Sqn at Pocklington, York, Driffield, Poona and Middleton St George during WWII
Message logged 6th March 2002: My father, known as Bill, worked on Halifax, Lancaster, Beverly (?) ,and Whitley aircraft. Does any one remember him?
his daughter Karen Jack: karen.jack AT
HAMPTON, Stella W, known as 'Kitten': ACW WAAF 2073528
No.3 Glider Training School (3 GTS) - RAF Stoke Orchard - July 1942 - ?Message logged 20th May 2007: Researcher would like to get in touch with anyone who remembers the above. She recently passed away and I have obtained a number of her personal documents/photos from the period and would like to find more about her.
contact: Jed neil.jed AT
HARBIN, Colin: coxswain in the RAF Marine/craft section; RAF Seletar Singapore during 1958/59
Message logged 7th February 2000: Trying to contact Colin Harbin, last seen 1960. I served with him at RAF Seletar. Anyone knowing his whereabouts please contact me, John Joyce.John Joyce: AJ_P_JOYCE AT
HAYS DFC, Flying Officer RAYMOND MORRIS: RCAF J/88928: Pilot
544 Squadron
Message logged 31st May 2001: Born 1913 in Ashland, Oregon; home in Long Beach, California. Trained at No.6 ITS, No.20 EFTS and No.16 SFTS. Commissioned July 1944. Killed in action Friday 30th March 1945 (Mosquito MM386). Age 31. Additional Information: Son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo D. Hays; husband of Beatrice Hays, of Chester-le-street, Co. Durham. Buried in OXFORD (BOTLEY) CEMETERY, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom Grave Reference/Panel Number: Plot H/1. Grave 228.
I am researching this pilot and would like to contact any member of his family.Bart Van Damme, Vliegpleinstraat 3, 8560 Wevelgem, BELGIUM: bvandamme AT
No 1404 Met Flight, No 521 Sqn, RAF Coastal Command
Message logged 21 March 1999: On September 1st 1942 he landed by mistake at the German night-fighter base of Sint-Truiden Belgium, in his Spitifire PR Mk4, serial number AB131. Apparently, because of an incorrect compass setting, he ended up over Belgium instead of Scotland. He was a POW. Any information is welcome.
Alain Rosseels 14 Brustem-Dorp, 3800 Sint-Truiden, Belgium: alainrosseels AT
Helpers to Allied evaders
Message logged 29 August 2001: I am the Executor of the above named who assisted some twenty three allied aviators. I am taking the ashes of the Hellers for interment in the Cemetery at Billy-Montigny at 11 am on Thursday, 13th September.
The Hellers received aknowledgement from America - Mrs Heller receiving the American Freedom Medal, from Belgium, UK, (BRAAEA), and naturally France. They were Helper Members of AFEES and were known to RAFES until they lost contact on departure from Billy-Montigny to Spain and later to Australia where they spent their last 20 years. Among those they assisted were:
Dan Murray Arnold Morrison RAAF Graham Sweet Cliff Williams USAAC Dan Williams Fisher - mentioned by J Cullity Charles Carson USAAC John Cullity RAAF Hodges - left before the photo was taken Chris Christoff RCAF Chas Elwell USAAC Julio Sanchez Bill DuBose USAAC Edward Jackson USA Maurice Bemrose RAF Pat Brophy RCAF xxxx Hodges USA It is believed Fisher left early and was recaptured - nothing more heard.
Below is a photo of a photo taken at Liberation. Any assistance you or contacts may be able to supply in regard to identifying the flyers in the photo will be most welcome. I have been in contact with Clayton David of the AFEES.
Barry McKeon: ral22 AT
message logged 27 September 2002: My grandmother, Paulette Viennot F.F.I., helped the following airmen, also named above, in Ecoust St Mein, Billy-Montigny:
- Maurice Bemrose
- Daniel Murray
- John Cullity
- Cliff Williams
- Pat Brophy
- Chris Christoff
- WR Hodges
- Graham Sweet
- Williams DuBose
- Arnold H MorrisonAre they in the above photograph and are any of them or their families still around?
Alexis Brument: brumenta AT
Message logged 20 Jan 2003: I am the author of World War II: OSS Tragedy in Slovakia (you see a description of the book and a number of reviews on the site, if you are interested). This is a true story of an OSS mission and in part the story of a British SOE mission. Most of the personnel were captured by an Abwehr unit and sent to Mauthausen concentration camp where they were executed.
Keith Henson, who lived at 55 Richmond Rd, London SW, was a radio man with the SOE or possibly with the SIS. He had lived in Vienna before the war and spoke fluent German. He was captured with a group of American airman who originally were with the OSS group but broke away in the Tatra Mountains. They were captured later that same day. Henson had been checked out by an American bomber radioman on the details of passing as a bomber radio man. He passed as an American who had lost his dog tags, despite having a thick British accent. When the airmen, along with Henson, went through Dulag Luft in Wetzlar, they met a group of British prisoners who were working in the kitchen - they may have been a group of Irish who had been in the British ground forces. Henson decided to stay with the kitchen team and enjoy the food. His American buddies tried to discourage him, arguing that his British accent would give him away. Some of the German interrogators spoke excellent English and some had lived in the States before the war.
I have tried on and off for the last five years to find out what happened to Henson and learn who he was working for. SOE files in the PRO do not identify him or include his name. If anyone who was at Dulag Luft as permanent staff or who may have known the kitchen team or who has anything to add, please contact me.
Jim Downs: downsjd AT
HIGGINS, 'Ted': Pilot
207 Sqn in 1948 or 1949
Message logged 8th March 1999: old friends would like to contact you.
contact: via editor
HOCKEY, Leonard Philip Redcliff , known as "Len" FL/LT RAF(VR)
75 Squadron at RAF Feltwell
message logged 16 Feb 2010: Len Hockey was born in Bristol 30/04/1913, sister Ruby E.K. Hockey, born 1915. His parents were Samuel W.J. Hockey and Ellen L. Williams who married in 1912.
He was shot down 21/05/1940 Wellington Mk.1C serial number: R3157, AA-H, Operation: Dinant
F/L L.P.R.Hockey in Camp L3, PoW No.410He returned to UK in 1945. Believed either emigrated to Canada or possibly living in West Country. I am trying to trace him or his family.
Contact via jonathan.ives AT
HUNTER, Robert Charles: F/O 150009: kia 22 Feb 1944
263 Sqn (?63Sqn)
Message logged 8 Apr 2001 : He was the son of Charles Henry and Elsie Dora Hunter of Wolverhampton. It is believed that he was on a Typhoon Squadron, of which 263 was one, though the CWGC record says 63 Sqn (which was operating Mustangs at the time); he has no known grave.
Contact is sought with any who knew him, especially members of his family.
contact on behalf of Tom Wingham: via editor
from RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH18: The nephew of Thomas Hutton wants details on his uncle's time as a PoW. Thomas Hutton served in Ethiopia, North Africa and was captured on Crete - he may be the Flt Lt T Hutton who was in Luft 3, RAF No. 41422, PoW No. 5005.
Contact: via editor
JACKSON, Joseph William, known as 'John': Flight Sergeant, RAF(VR) 1214834, Obs/Nav
227 Sqn (Beaufighters): RAF Nicosia, Cyprus, from about June 1943: kia 23 Oct 1943, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Jackson of Scarborough, Yorkshire; husband of the late Blanche Jackson of Scarborough.
Message logged 22nd April 1999: His grandson wishes to hear from anyone who knew his grandfather and especially from members of 227 Squadron who served with it in Cyprus. There does not appear to be a 227 Sqn Association?
contact: steve.jackson AT
JANSSEN-LEYDER, Marthe, Belgian Secret Army, 59th Brigade, Eisden, Limburg Region, Belgium
Message logged 20th December 2001: I believe my Belgian Aunt was responsible for helping a large number of airmen, including some from the Croydon Area. My father left a folder full of documents which form the bulk of my material but, although I have one photograph from an old Belgian Newspaper, I have no information regarding people she helped except for the name of an American, Flight Sergeant Billie Boxton, whom I can find no trace of.
Here is the photo of a British Airman she helped. Who is this please?
update 2 July 2005: I have a website dedicated to my aunt Douglas Jennings, the original 'unknown airman' (who it turned out lives not far from me!) featured on my website about my late aunt, Marthe Janssen-Leyder, has just published his recollections of his war years. The book, Jump or Die, is an A5 size paper-back with 141 pages and illustrations. It has been published by Tucann Books, a small firm dealing with small print runs of specialist books, and it is unlikely to be available in the main book shops. Details of how to order can be accessed on
I still would like to hear from anyone who knew of my aunt during the war, especially the aircrew she assisted.
Tessa Steer: tessasteer AT
JEWELL, Edwin Jack, known as 'Jacky': Sgt, RAF(VR) 1330507
207 Sqn: RAF Spilsby: kia 21/22 June 1944: Lancaster LL973, EM-M
Son of Joseph Benjamin and Rose Jewell: Husband of Jean Jewell of Dover.
Message logged 8th March 1999: Surviving crew seek contact with his family
contact: via editor
JONES, Benjamin Bryn, age 22: Sgt, RAF(VR) 1337890, Rear Gunner
207 Sqn: RAF Langar: kia 27 April 1943 Lancaster W4171, EM-J
Son of Henry and Margaret Jones of Carmarthen.
Message logged 15th March 1999: Wim Govaerts, a Belgian researcher, is writing a book about all Manchester and Lancaster crashes in Belgium. He would like to contact any surviving friends or relatives of Sgt Jones.
contact: wim.govaerts AT
JONES E A F: Sgt RAF 1498348 Mid Upper Gunner,
75 Sqn
Shot down 14/15th June 1943: Stirling BK646 AA-NPOW Camps L6 & 357. POW No. 403.
Message logged 13 July 2008: families of crew seek contact with his family for commemoration event in France in 2009.
Contact: via jonathan.ives AT
KELLY, David: Sqn Ldr: OC 174 Sqn
174 Sqn
Message logged 1st Feb 2001: I am currently researching 174 Squadron, which flew Hawker Typhoons from 1944 to 1945. My great-uncle is Sqn Ldr David Kelly who was 174's Commanding Officer for a short period of time. Any contact with surviving pilots, or any who served with him, would be appreciated.
Andrew Parkinson: andrew.p0 AT
KIDD, Larry LAC 548580
RAF West Freugh 1942Message logged 21st June 2006: Seeking information, relatives and/or friends of Larry Kidd (LAC 548580). Have letters written by him in 1942 - when he was stationed at RAF West Freugh, Stranraer, Scotland.
Contact Loretto Slavin: lorettoslavin AT
KIRK, Paddy: Airman in Bomb Dump Crew: friend of Bill & Doris Shaw, of Dogdyke
RAF Coningsby 1941-44
Message logged 30th August 2001: Paddy was stationed at Coningsby from early 1941 and left at the end of 1944. He was part of the Bomb Dump Crew at Coningsby and regularly transported bombs from Dogdyke railway station to the camp and spent most of his time re-arming the aircraft stationed there. All the pals that he came with to my late grandparents house were also from the Bomb Dump Crew. My mother and aunt remember the work carried out on the runway, they say it was extended to accommodate the American Flying Fortresses, and Paddy Kirk was still stationed at Coningsby while this was still going on.
Paddy came from Hornchurch and had a best mate called Bernard. My grandparents lived in Dogdyke on the edge of the airfield and were called Bill and Doris Shaw. From what my mother has told me it was open house at my grandparents house and many of the airmen played darts when off duty. She would also like to hear of any other airmen that might have stayed at my late grandparents house. I realise that she might be asking the impossible as she has no service number or squadron details to supply.David Bloor: Davidbloor AT
KIRKLAND, Flight Sergeant Douglas James: 411219 Royal New Zealand Air Force, Observer: died on Thursday 15 October 1942
21 Sqn RAF RAF Watton
Message logged 1st June 2002: Douglas Kirkland died on Thursday 15 October 1942 age 22. He was aboard a Ventura of which F/S RD Williams was the pilot and the other crew member was Sgt J Kenny. Ventura I AE670 YH- crashed at 1050 at Hillborough, 5 miles S of Swaffham, Norfolk, while making a single engine approach to Bodney on a training flight. All were killed.
We have visited his grave in Norwich and have seen parts of what was the Watton airfield. We would love to contact anyone who might have known him. He also trained in Canada for a short while.Ken Elder: kselder AT
KIRSCHNER, F/S Ainsley Rupert, 1600924 RAF(VR): Pilot : lost in training 3 July 1945
166 Sqn
Message logged 2nd March 2001 : He was my uncle and the husband of Dorothy Louisa Kirschner of Waterlooville, Hampshire.
On 3 Jul 1945 he was acting as Flight Engineer in Lancaster SW278 AS-V of 166 Squadron, on a training trip. At around 1300hrs, the aircraft dived into the Bristol Channel. The crew was P/O G Barlow, F/S A R Kirschner, Sgt C E Butler, F/O J Doyle, F/S R J Sullivan, Sgt W F G Edge, and Sgt W Gibson. Five bodies were recovered: panels 266 and 275 respectively of the Runnymede Memorial perpetuate the names of F/O Doyle and Sgt Gibson. P/O Barlow, who rests in Manchester Southern Cemetery, had married Ann Barlow of Clontarf, Co.Dublin in the Irish Republic.
I am seeking information on A R Kirschner from any who knew him either on 166 Sqn or in earlier training, and also of his widow and any of their children.Pauline Kirschner: quercus AT
KLEINBERG, F/O Georges, 130501 RAF(VR): Belgian lawyer in civilian life
207 Squadron, Langar
Message logged 22nd Jan 2000: He was my uncle, who died in a night raid on the 22/23 June 1943 over Mulheim. Lancaster ED 692 and all the crew members were lost on this mission. His service began 19.3.41. In October 1942 he received an appointment to a temporary commission
He wrote about the companions he made in the RAF with respect and affection. He might be remembered because he older than most (he was born on January 9, 1913) and because he was the only Belgian in his unit. He was a lawyer who had served with the Belgian cabinet minister Marcel-Henri Jaspar.
I hope to hear from someone who knew him, to include any recollections with his memoirs and letters. Such a contact would be very precious to me.Eileen Berets: eberets AT
KNIGHT, J W: Sgt: 808427: POW No. 373
78 Sqn: shot down 19/20 November 1940: Whitley
Message logged 8th March 1999: Your Australian pilot, P/O REH George, is looking for you.
on behalf of RAF Ex-POW Association: via editor
LANGLANDS, David Robertson: Sgt: 1564813
Units unknown: died Canada 1st Jun 1945
Message logged 3rd May 1999: Derek Watson of 800 Pacific Wing writes: I wish to contact anyone that served in the same units as Sgt David Langlands. We know that he died in Canada June 1st 1945. His name appears on the Ottawa memorial for those with no known grave. He was a wireless operator and later he was made an Instructor. He was from Aberdeen Scotland, married to Ina Langlands, there were no children.
I would like to know the unit and base he last served with also any former crew members that are perhaps here in Canada and remember David. As we were never privy to any information regarding his death we only can assume that the aircraft went missing and was never located.Derek Watson: derekwatson AT
LEAHY, F/Sgt Colin Leahy 1356208 RAF(VR)
31 Sqn SAAF from Celone airfield in the Foggia region of Italy in 1944
Message logged 29 April 2012: Colin flew with 31 Sqdn SAAF from Celone airfield in the Foggia region of Italy in 1944. He twice went on supply dropping missions to Warsaw in support of the Home Army uprising - and flew with my uncle John (see crew photo) 15 times from late August until mid September 1944. F/Sgt Leahy scored the Squadrons first air combat kill on the night of 15th September whilst on ops to bomb Tatol landing ground at Athens, claiming an Me 109 night fighter from the tail gunner position.
For some reason Colin stopped flying with my uncle John in the crew of Cpt Beukes after 18th September 1944. He doesn’t appear on any sortie reports or feature in the Squadron diary, he wasn’t tour expired with 31 Squadron, and he has no listing with CWGC.
Any help locating him or his relatives would be greatly appreciated.
Rob Woods rob.woods1 AT
LEE, Margaret Evelyn Emily, Leading Aircraftwoman, RAF(VR) 2053742.
Typist at 23 OTU, Pershore, Worcestershire.
Message logged 31st August 2001: updated 26 Dec 2006: Her wartime home address was 2 Horton Street, Lincoln. Margaret was a friend of F/O James Harold Botham of 23 OTU, later Flt Lt of 148 Squadron (see separate entries under 'Individual Names' and 'Units'). Wartime friends are urged to seek contact for personal reasons.
contact Aidan: aidan AT
18 Sqn 10 May 1940 Blenheim Mk IV serial L9255 a/c code letters WV-unknown, Op: reconnaissanceMessage 9 Jan 2004: I believe my father escaped on no less than 6 occasions. The last occasion was whilst out on a working party when the party was 'strafed' mistakenly by allied planes. He and another POW escaped in the confusion, managing after some time to reach the advancing allies (in Belgium?) and were repatriated in early 1945.
As a very small boy I did meet the other prisoner who was introduced to me as "Uncle Russell” and whose surname was, I believe, Allen. He was a member of The Escaping Society and I believe he attended a number of their dinners in London: They have no been able to trace him. He is referred to in a number of books about exploits during the war. Unfortunately I do not have the titles although I think one of them might have been The Sergeant Escapers by John Dominy.
I would like to hear from anyone who was on 18 Sqn at the same time as my father, anyone who met him as a POW and anyone who can help me identify "Uncle Russell"
Contact - Chris.LeVoi AT
550 Sqn: shot down 16/17 March 1945, target Nuremberg : Lancaster BQ-B
Message logged 8th March 1999: He was pilot and sole survivor: was born in France: died in 1988: believed to have been POW in Stalag Va for a short time before joining a march with some Indian POWs. His daughter seeks information about him.
on behalf of RAF Ex-POW Association: via editor
MAHONY F/O John Edward RAF 39237
53 Sqn, Detling lost on 18 July 1940 in Blenheim R3661, recce Flushing
message logged 8 January 2002: I am seeking on behalf of Australian relative information on F/O Mahony. His crew was Sgt George Edward Exton and Sgt Denys Arthur Keetley. Sgt Exton's body was washed ashore in Belgium ( buried in Klemskerke ) so a/c presumed lost at sea.
Keith Evans: Keithannevans AT
MALAN, Mme Bernard: safe house at Le Vallon, Jurancon, France
Message logged 28th May 2001: My aunt Madame Bernard Malan lived at Le Vallon, Jurancon. Although her home was used as a safe house, she was not a member of the Resistance Movement. Reference to her part in helping escaped prisoners is contained in a book by MARIE-MADELEINE FOURCADE called L'ARCHE de NOE RESEAU "ALLIANCE" 1940-1945.
My cousin who still lives in the same house tells me she was told little of what went on at her house. She does remember RAF men coming to tea but her clearest memory is of a very strong Dutchman arriving (to be hidden in their barn) having travelled across France on to the axles of a train.
Anyone who can add more to our knowledge of our aunt's wartime activities should please email me
Cynthia Rickitt: cynthia.rickitt AT
MANG, Ronald Franz Mang: Pilot Officer, J17769 RCAF
424 Squadron: shot down over Messina, Sicily with the rest of his Wellington Mk.X [HE] crew on July 13, 1943
Message logged 26th February 2000: The rest of his crew were:
10328 F/O W C Davidson, Nav.
1074974 Sgt J P McM. Garland, WOp/AG
658529 Sgt D Campbell, Bomb Aimer
R120070 F/S R E Vanderbeck, A/G
The crew was mixed RCAF and RAF. I have put up a small web site at containing some letters, photos and information from Ronald's military file. I am his niece, and I would like to be in contact with other members of No. 424 Squadron, and with family members or friends of the crew, to exchange information.Pauline Mang: plmang AT
MATHESON, Geoffrey Charles: Squadron Leader, RAF(VR)
418 Squadron: KIA 24 August 1943
Message logged 30th April 2000: Seeking any information on, including service records, photos, and details of last flight. Information needed for research project. During the Battle of Britain he served with 222 (Natal) Squadron.
Paul Oliveira: paultax AT
MAXWELL T : Sgt RAF 1698372 Rear Gunner
75 Sqn
Shot down 14/15th June 1943: Stirling BK646 AA-NPOW Camps L6 & 357. POW No. 411.
Message logged 13 July 2008: families of crew seek contact with his family for commemoration event in France in 2009.
Contact: via jonathan.ives AT
McCARTHY, Harry: Navigator
207 Sqn : crewed with Doug Smith RNZAF and Ron Petts at RAF Upwood in 1942 when training on Blenheims. All three were posted to 88 Sqn at RAF Attlebridge in Norfolk, flying Bostons. 'Low flying' over the Officers' Mess caused Lord Trenchard to spill his tea - and 'Smithie' was promptly posted to Bomber Command at RAF Wigsley. By 1943/44 all three were part of a 207 Sqn Lancaster crew with Harry Priestley at RAF Spilsby.
Message logged 9th March 1999: despite many attempts to trace him. 'Mac', who may have come from Liverpool, has not been heard of since July 1944. The rest of his crew would like to trace him to find out what happened to him.
contact: via editor
MACLEOD, Moira (birth name Mary) WAAF
Associated with 263 Sqn sometime during 1942-43 when they flew Whirlwinds
Message logged 23rd April 2002: She was my mother. I am seeking information from anyone who knew her or was in 263 Sqn at the time.
Brian Macleod: bmacleod AT
MC CLURE, CGB: S/Ldr : No. 70418
Message logged 2 October 2006: When working in Hampshire some years ago I found buried an ID bracelet with Sqn Leader McClure’s name on. I came across it again recently and wondered if any of his family (or him) are still around and what he did in the RAF? He is not in the CWGC database.
Contact Adrian Hill:
MacFAYDEN, JOHN: LAC POW Stalag 344, Lamsdorf
from RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH17: This time with an "A" - LAC John McL MacFadyen, RAF No. 5525523, PoW No. 12042. John died of cancer in 1958 so his son, Alun, did not have a chance to learn any of the details of his father's service. John was in Egypt, the Western Desert, Greece and Crete before becoming a PoW in Germany at Stalag 344, Lamsdorf in room 15A.
Contact: via editor
MacPHERSON, Alexander James: Flight Engineer
207 Sqn : Lancaster EM-B, ND866, lost 7/8th July 1944 on St.Leu d'Esserent, Milner's crew.
Message logged 15th March 1999, updated 11 June 2001: AJ MacPherson was the only survivor of the crew. We now believe that he emigrated to Canada and died there. Would any member of his family please contact 207 Sqn RAF Association.
contact: via editor
McCOLM, Malcolm: Sqn Ldr
Australian prisoner at Colditz: 21 Sqn, shot down 27/28 Dec 1940: Blenheim IV T2223 YH-, Bodney
Message logged 13th June 1999: He was an Australian, Regular RAF Sqn Leader, although his family were from Dumfries: joined RAF as pilot 1936; Adjutant 139 Bomber Sqn; shot down 1940 when Sqn Ldr 21 Sqn Bomber Command; POW four and a half years in Germany. He features in a couple of places in Pat Reid's Colditz Story, as he was on the Colditz Escape Committee with Airey Neave. Malcolm also features in the book Diggers in Colditz. It is supposed to be he who was with Pat and Co. when they left the kitchen on their way to Switzerland. After release he returned to Oz, becoming an MP.
My son, aged 14, is a kinsman of his and is doing a project on a group in WW2. The group he has chosen is POWs at Colditz, specifically Pat Reid, Airey Neave, Douglas Bader and his relation Sqn Leader Malcolm McColm. Any information about Malcolm McColm gratefully received
contact: les AT
McCUNNELL 1697219, Sgt Edwin Ronald: Air Gunner
158 Sqn : RAF Lisset : Halifax HR724 NP-W, shot down on Bochum June 12th 1943.
Message logged 6 May 2001: I would like to trace anyone who knew my father Sgt. Edwin Ronald McCunnell, nicknamed "MAC" and "Tiddler" by his friends. He was an orphan and his sister, Kathleen, was his next of kin.
He served as an Air Gunner and was shot down on his 2nd op to bomb Bochum June 12th 1943. Three of the crew were killed in the crash, which was just over the German border in Ulft, Holland:
P/O F Oliver, Sgt E Thurlow, F/S H T Wooldridge: they lie in Gendringen Roman Catholic Cemetery
Sgt R J Cook died whilst undergoing treatment for his injuries and is buried in Amsterdam's New Eastern Cemetery.The pilot Sgt B C Wordsworth and the Flight Engineer Sgt R V Pallant became POW at Camp 357 Stalag Kopernikus, as did my father. Sgt Pallant exchanged identity with Cpl William Lea.
My father was killed in a works accident 16 years after the war and wouldn't talk much about his experiences. If anyone knew him I would be very interested to hear from them.
contact: julie AT
from RAF Ex-POW Association: CYH17: Do you have any photos, anecdotes etc relating to the late Alex McFadyen? His grandson is trying to find out some of his history, both squadron and PoW.
Contact: via editor
Polish WWII Spitfire Pilot, who stayed on in the RAF
Message logged 22nd November 2001, updated 20 May 2003: Many years ago, in Brickhill & Norton's book Escape to Danger about a number of escapers [the title was identified as a result of my initial message], I was fascinated to find that one of the chapters was called "Mickey Mouse (Polish)". It was about an RAF Spitfire pilot who on a fighter sweep over the French coast had a mid-air collision with a colleague which caused him to bale out. He was captured and escaped. 'Mickey' was a Corporal pilot in the Polish Air Force, and on joining the RAF flew initially with 12 Group. He had some unpronounceable Polish name, but if he is the person I believe him to be, he changed it to Manson.
I do know that when he baled out, he left his helmet in the aircraft, and the very cold air gave him frostbite to both his ears, eating away the top and bottom of both ears. His decorations (I think) included the DFM, Croix de Guerre, and the Polish equivalent of the VC.
My interest is that the pilot himself was my last Section Commander when I was in the RAF. When I knew him he was a Flt Lt at RAF Gaydon in 1966/7. I believe that his home was in the Liverpool area at the time. He had bits missing from his ears, that's why I think it's the same chap. I would dearly love for Mickey or his family to make contact, or anyone who knows of them.
Chris Weeks: chrisweeks AT
MEDCALF, 1387484 WO Michael Charles: Coastal Command
502 Sqn: RAF Stornoway in the Hebrides: Handley Page Halifax Mk II serial no JP320 (F)
Message posted 16 Jul 2000: Age 21, he was posted missing presumed killed with the rest of his crew whilst on an anti-shipping sweep in the Skaggerak on 26/12/44. Last distress call was received at 20.30 that day ('we are being attacked by enemy fighter'). He was with 53 Sqn 6/3/43 to 16/6/43 followed by 295 Sqn 22/6/43 to 24/11/43, joining 502 Sqn 24/11/43. Would anyone who recalls him please contact me.
Anthony Basterfield: mikey4lock AT
MENZIES DFC RAF(VR), Flt Lt John Watherston, known as "Ian" kia 5/6 July 1944
161 Sqn Hudson FK790
Message logged 20th April 2002: "Ian", my uncle, served with 101 & 161 Sqns.
I am in the process of writing a book about him and would like to meet/talk to anyone, aircrew or ground crew, who might remember him from either squadron.Bob Body: rb-body AT
Stalag VIIIB
Message logged 4th February 2002: I was at VIIIB. About 1000 RAF or attached to RAF. For reprisal we wore handcuffs about 12 hrs a day & marched. If you want more information please contact me. I would like to find out about then Sgt Joe Mercer RAFVR - we shared together got separated on march. I was known as Tennessee.
contact Reid: rt260 AT
MILNE, Harry David: Flying Officer J/5968
Killed 25 October 1942
Message Logged 20 January 2004: Trained In Canada with RCAF but was possibly subsequently with RAF. Believed to have been a fighter pilot, possibly Spitfire. Possibly shot down in North Africa. Severely injured, evacuated to England. Hospital bombed, body never found. RCAF, RAF (Historical Branch) and related links have only revealed his name is at Runnymede.Son of Frank Milne and Gladys Maud Wentworth Milne of Calgary Alberta. Nephew seeks further service records or details.
Contact Eric J Milne eric.milne AT
MITCHELL, Ivor: Flying Officer RAF(VR) 134693
207 Squadron Lancaster LM366 EM-H lost on Berlin 29 Jan 1944
Message logged 22th May 2000: My grandfather Ivor Mitchell was kia 29 January on 207 Squadron: He was the husband of Kotska Oddie : I am seeking any information about this officer; his home, family, what he flew etc. He had not been married long. I believe he came from Lancashire (Bolton?)
LM366 EM-H lost on Berlin 29 Jan 1944: took off at 0003hrs from RAF Spilsby Jan 29
Pilot Flt Lt John Gordon Taylor RAFVR
F/E Sgt Thomas Fowler Westmoreland RAFVR
Nav F/O Ivor Mitchell RAFVR
W/Op Sgt Leo Arthur Croxton RAFVR POW
B/A Sgt John Patrick Rothera RAFVR
M/U Sgt Robert Hughes RAFVR
R/G F/Sgt Ivor Frederic Chalmers RAAF
2nd Nav - Sgt Donald Arthur Turner RAFVR
Believed to have crashed at Reichenwalde, 4km ENE of Storkow. Those who died were buried on 30 January at the crash site, since when the first two named, along with F/S Chalmers RAAF, have been interred in the Berlin 1939-45 War Cemetery. The others are commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial.Kotska Wallace: kotska.wallace AT (email address updated)
MOORE, Stanley J: Sgt: 1387099 Navigator
7 Sqn
Message logged March 1999: Stirling III MBK760/MG-X shot down 11 April 1943. Sgt Moore and Sgt Ferguson evaded. Peter Loncke, Lommel Belgium, wishes to trace Sgt Moore or his family
contact: Kiwi AT
Y Service MEAF
Message logged 26 January 2009: I am an author, and I have been commissioned to write a book about the experiences of women in the 1940s, wartime and its aftermath. I am trying to trace any information you may have about WAAF Aileen Morris (later Aileen Clayton), known as 'Mike' Morris. She was born on 9 March 1918. In 1980 Mrs Clayton published a book entitled The Enemy is Listening recounting her experiences with 'Y' Service during WW2. Morris was Deputy to the chief RAF "Y" officer for the whole middle Eastern theatre; thereafter she became Deputy to the Chief Signal Intelligence Officer of the Mediterranean Allied Air Forces, including working in Malta while under siege, and subsequently in the Western Desert. I would very much like to find out what became of Aileen after the war was over; so far all I have been able to ascertain is that she died on June 9th 1981 shortly after her book was published.
If you knew her or are a member of her family please contact me.
contact Virginia Nicholson : vn AT
MUSK, Daisy Florence: LACW 452317
Message logged 17th July 1999: My mother worked in the messes, anyone who remembers her, or OCKENDEN, Charles Henry (whom she later married) - also stationed at RAF DESBOROUGH (transport & fuel dumps), please e-mail their daughter Chris at the following address ..
Kokomo AT
Names N-Z